“British Saudi” Slut Locked in a Cage for Whoring Around, Feminists Don’t Care

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 6, 2016

A Paki female who was born in the UK and lived there until she was 16 is now living in Saudi Arabia with her father, where she is being locked in a cage.

A judge has ruled that Amina Al-Jeffery, 21, is protected by British law, and should be able to return to the UK where it will be illegal to keep her in a cage (it is legal to do this in Saudi Arabia – slavery was only abolished there in 1962, after pressure form the UK).

A couple of people are trying to make this a big deal, but feminists don’t care. I mean, I don’t myself care – I’m not trying to white knight for this bitch – but one would certainly think that feminists would care.

Because we’ve found that “rape culture” they were looking for.

But just like when hundreds of girls were gang-sex attacked in Cologne (and elsewhere across Germany, on a scale which still isn’t known), and when thousands of girls were trafficked and raped in Rotherham (and elsewhere across the UK, on a scale which still isn’t known), feminists are silent on what would, to an uninvolved observer, appear to be the ideal cause célèbre for the feminist movement.


Perfect feminist icon, one would think – especially since she’s all punked-out and dykey, right?

And yet – there is virtually a total silence through the tubes.

A Google News search shows that while there are a few basic news reports on the story by British outlets, the only sites making an issue of it are right-wing tabloids.


Daily Mail, Daily Express, Daily Mirror and Metro are all right-leaning tabloids.

There are no commentary pieces from Slate, Salon, VICE, Buzzfeed, The Guardian, The Washington Post, The New York Times or any of the other usual suspects which push the Jew-liberal-feminist agenda on the stupid goyim.

What’s more, even the blogs devoted to feminism are silent about British cage woman.

Instead, Jezebel is talking about a Donald Trump Playboy conspiracy.


Feministing is talking about the empowering message behind the story of the Negress who got shot for pointing a shotgun at the cops.


And Everyday Feminism is debating whether wearing camouflage is feminist or not.


Why don’t feminists care about Moslems abusing women?

Well, obviously because feminism isn’t actually about “liberating women.” It isn’t even vaguely related to that.

Feminism is about attacking and harming White men and attempting to replace them with brown men.

Because women don’t actually want “liberation.” They want to be controlled, to be told what to do like they were children. For whatever reason (there are several, but it’s easiest to just say “the Jews”), White men have stopped doing this.

Feminism is women demanding they be put back in their place, that they be told what to do. Children do the exact same thing when they are not disciplined. They act out, as a cry for adults to provide structure in their lives.

White men have failed to squash this feminist wave, so women are bringing in ringers to do it for us. The Moslems. So, it is in no way surprising that Arabs aren’t criticized for their IRL rape culture. Rape is the fantasy of the feminist.