Brother to Bruder: The Christmas Truce of 1914

Anti Zionist League
December 26, 2014

Today Jewish politicians constantly speak of achieving ‘transparency’ in Government yet ironically before she was devastated by war Europe’s maintenance was open and evident in its system of treaties. This was disrupted when in 1908 Count Alois Lexa von Aehrenthal a Jewish politician who occupied the Austrian Government secretly engineered an agreement between Austria and Russia to annex Bosnia. At the time Bosnia was Serbian territory so it was inevitable that this action would destabilise this region of Europe (Bosnian crisis). What followed was an inescapable domino effect that would collapse Europe’s delicate system of treaties eventually triggering the Great War.

Curiously in 1903 only a few years prior to Aehrenthal’s interference Jewish journalist Theodor Herzl ‘forecast’ great world upheaval at the 6th Zionist Conference. The seed had been sown for a devastating Fratricidal war. However, by 1916 Germany had won this war out right and was negotiating for peace and it is interesting to note that had these negotiations gone well those that set the Great War in motion would not benefit and the consequences of 17 million of our finest lost, a European monarchy murdered and their country occupied for 75 years may never have been. Yet that is yet to come meanwhile it is 1914 and European nations are gearing up for war.


The Great War commenced on the 28th July 1914. Soldiers on both sides went into battle primed with vile ‘war propaganda’ no doubt heavily endorsed by Jewish elements with a vested interest in Herzl’s “great world upheaval”. As such troops were likely convinced of the others bestiality and therefore justified in their fight. By December the conflict had been waged for at least 5 months and Christmas was upon the troops. In the current crass commercialism of Jewish internationalism the real meaning of Christmas has been deposed but on Christmas Eve, 24 December 1914, all our European soldiers were far away from such mediocre distractions. It is only in such bleak times that the true Christmas message of peace and hope reveals not only a shared culture but the collective spirit of our race. Thus as German troops began decorating the area around their trenches in the region of Ypres, Belgium by placing candles on their trenches and on Christmas trees and continued the celebration by singing Christmas carols. British soldiers responded by singing back the carols they recognized. The troops continued by shouting Christmas greetings to each other.Soon thereafter, there were excursions across No Man’s Land, where small gifts were exchanged, such as food, tobacco and alcohol, and souvenirs such as buttons and hats.

Bruce Bairnsfather, who served throughout the war, wrote: “I wouldn’t have missed that unique and weird Christmas Day for anything. … I spotted a German officer, some sort of lieutenant I should think, and being a bit of a collector, I intimated to him that I had taken a fancy to some of his buttons. … I brought out my wire clippers and, with a few deft snips, removed a couple of his buttons and put them in my pocket. I then gave him two of mine in exchange. …”The artillery in the region fell silent that night. The truce also allowed a breathing spell where recently fallen soldiers could be brought back behind their lines by burial parties. Joint services were held. Troops from both sides had also been so friendly as to play games of football with one another. In many sectors, the truce lasted through Christmas night, but it continued until New Year’s Day in others. Though there was no official truce, about 100,000 British and German troops were involved in unofficial cessations of fighting along the length of the Western Front.


Letters home from British troops relating the event suggest surprise that the so called ‘enemy’ was so like them and delight in being part of this encounter under such unlikely circumstances. Thus propaganda carefully designed to malign the other nation collapsed as it proved only a flimsy fabrication. The crux of the issue is that an unofficial truce could and would not take place under conditions of war among any other but those who share the ties of brotherhood. Nevertheless, this was a mere glitch in a 4 year long familial massacre. Indeed because the Christmas truce had uncovered the truth-that brother was fighting brother certainly in Britain the nature of war propaganda against Germany produced by the Government of War reached a new level of revulsion. While on the home front the public could still be convinced of their German brethren’s vile nature via the distribution of false Governmental propaganda the soldier returning from the front had been exposed to the truth-that these people were just like us. Therefore, in order that the British and particularly the army should conceive of the German as a threat rather than the familial branch propaganda reached levels of gruesome and sickening absurdity. In much bewilderment it is often expressed what evil men do; though in this case the most horrifying notion is that brotherhood, blood and race are being defiled by those we look to lead our peoples. Perhaps the Governments in Britain and Germany require scrutiny.

It has already been noted that Europe was manoeuvred into war by an entity alien to her and curiously elements of which had been terrorising Russia for decades culminating in 1881 with the assassination of Tsar Alexander II by Jewish terrorist Vera Figner. War is not an advantageous position for the public and therefore not in the national best interest. Nevertheless, when Germany began peace negotiating’s in 1916 Jewish Zionists in Germany turned to Arthur Balfour “Little as the general public may suspect it, the charming, gracious, and cultured Mr Balfour is the most egotistical of men, and a man who would make almost any sacrifice to remain in office.” Obviously he was more concerned about himself than the best interest of the British Nation and so not above back door deals with international Jewish criminals.


If Germany had succeeded in negotiating peace Jewish machinations would have been for nothing. Indeed had the situation in Europe stabilised in 1916 the “great world upheaval” required for the Jewish Bolshevik seizure of Russia would not manifest. Thus it was in Jewish interest to maintain war disruption. So Jewish Zionists proposed that America be ‘encouraged’ to enter the war as a British ally. In ‘compensation’ for this endeavor the Jewish Zionists wanted Britain to give them Palestine, a sovereign land over which that Government should have no claim. This led to the formation of the Balfour Declaration of 1917 an official letter from the British Foreign Office headed by Arthur Balfour who was to become Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (from July 1902 to December 1905) and later the UK’s Foreign Secretary (from December 1916 to October 1919), to Lord Rothschild, who was seen as a representative of the Jewish people. The letter stated that the Britishgovernment “viewed with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country”.

The legacy of this document is far-reaching to say the least. That Balfoursold the future of ethnic Europe with the signing of this document is not too presumptuous when one considers the current state of ethnic Europeans and their ancestral lands.      The ‘state of Israel’ materialised in 1948 due in large part to the significance the Jewish tribe put in this document. Since then, through the manipulation of Western troops, the Middle East has been steadily ‘cleansed’ of its Arab population to make way for a greater ‘Israel’. However, the foundation was laid with the closing of WWI. Known as the “November Criminals” (German: Novemberverbrecher) government leaders of Germany had overthrown the monarchy (forcing the Kaiser into exile in Holland perhaps to escape another royal assassination) and replaced it with a Jewish run ‘republic’. Jewish born Rosa Luxemburg a Marxist theorist, Jewish Bolshevik and founder of the Red Flag newspaper supported the Communist Party of Germany’s (KPD) participation in the Weimar National Assembly that founded the Weimar Republic.


In January 1919, a second Jewish Bolshevik wave swept Berlin in a violent attempt to seize power. The Red Flag encouraged the Jewish Bolsheviks to occupy editorial offices of the press. On November 11, 1918, the representatives of the newly formed Weimar Republic signed the armistice with the Allies and the subsequent Treaty of Versailles led to further territorial and financial losses for Germany. The ‘Peace Conference’ held in Paris during 1919 would expose the real reason behind Europe’s suffering. With the dramatic restructuring and division of territory a contingent of 117 Jews present and clutching the Balfour declaration submitted their draft resolutions for consideration by the Peace Conference on 3rd February 1919. Detailed in their submission were statements regarding recognition of the Jewish people’s historic title to Palestine and their right to reconstitute their National Home there. Such chutzpah could only be based on the Balfour declaration for besides having no racial claim the absurdity of pursuing such measures “is like the Celts ‘demanding’ England back from the Saxon after 15 hundred years of occupation.” Particularly since like the Aryan origin of the Saxon and Celt both the Arab and Jew are Semites.

The conclusion should be crystal clear. This catastrophic war was engineered by the Jewish tribe, condemning to death the best of Europe for their own profit. Initially to secure the seizure of Russia the Balfour Declaration presented a new land deal for Jewry for which Europe would again be driven to war. That the Jew was able to use a European-The German Nation- a member of our own brethren to scapegoat for his malevolent deeds set a new precedent. From this point on the Jew uses ‘sectarianism’ in various forms to disconnect white man from his racial community. Perfecting this divide and conquer strategy ensures that thewhite race does not unify as a productive collective with the ability and will to stop them perverting and plundering our ancestral home land. However, it is also critical to appreciate that the drive of the Jewish criminal and his self-interested collaborator is bolstered only by a false veneer. The ties of racial heritage and brotherhood are timeless and all it takes is to shine the light of truth the Christmas Truce stands testament to this.
