Daily Stormer
December 16, 2013

The Bush dynasty has been an absolute disaster for America. Posing as pro-American “conservatives”, they routinely promote amnesty for third-world invaders, destructive “free trade” policies, and insane wars in the Middle East for their Jewish masters. Bush II also gave us the police state apparatus of the Patriot Act and massive increases in federal spending.
It is not surprising that the family is trying to push their next generation of crooks, and this time they have the new twist of half-Mexican George P. Bush. The result of former Florida Governor Jeb Bush’s miscegenation, George P. Bush is sure to possess the “advantage” of being a minority. His minority status will result in the Jewish media trumpeting him as possessing the ability to “reach out” to the much needed Mestizo vote.
But George P. Bush, who is currently campaigning for Texas land commissioner, is trying to distance himself from the earlier Bushes by positioning himself as a truly conservative “Tea Party” Republican.
In essence, this is what Bush is trying to sell to voters: the Bushes have been pretending to be principled conservatives for generations, but this time, with the younger, browner Bush, we really mean it. These people have no respect for the intelligence of the American public, and with good reason.