William Martel
Daily Stormer
November 9, 2015

When it comes to immigration issue, it is of no surprise that the Mestizo and otherwise hybrid races of the world will always look out for their own interests at the expense of all others.
In the HuffPo “Latin Voices” section, there was an article that reported on actress Zoe Saldana’s response to anti-immigration policies, where she pretty much came out and told us to “deal with it.”
It seems that it is The Donald who is guilty of really hurting her feels more than anyone else:
While several political pundits and presidential candidates have actively expressed their plans to build border walls and tighten immigration policy, it’s Donald Trump’s description of Mexican immigrants crossing the border as “rapists” and criminals in June that has received the most attention.

Zoe cries some spicy tears:
“This topic of immigration hurts because I don’t want to be angry anymore,” Saldana told Latina. “I don’t believe that what anybody else is saying is true about me or my people. I’m kind of embarrassed when you see all of these people talking on national television, and it’s like, ‘Oh my God, if your grandfather were alive today, when he came here from Ireland, from Italy, escaped the f**king war in Russia. You’re rotting his name to shame. It doesn’t matter how much money you have, or how many degrees from Ivy League schools. You’re such a bigot. You’re such a hick right now.’”
The fact is Zoe, as the Donald pointed out, your people are indeed coming here committing crimes, raping and killing American citizens; all while abusing our system and taking advantage of our kindness. We also know you don’t want to assimilate, and that you wish to replace us and turn our country into the same 3rd-world cesspools you fled from.
Do you realize that your people can’t maintain a culture built by the white Europeans who created it, otherwise they would have? Do you realize that if you become a majority, that you will turn this nation into the same crap-hole you fled from? Of course you don’t, because you probably have an IQ equivalent to that of a golf ball.
The Huff continues:
The “Avatar” star went on to say people who feel threatened by American Latinos should understand that “the only true American here is the Native American” and Latinos are going through the same acculturation process the Irish and other cultures have gone through before.
First of all, you cannot be fully assimilated because you are totally of a different race than the European groups who were able to shed their cultures and become “Americans” without destroying the racial foundation of the nation. You mestizos would only dilute our gene pool and create a nation within a nation, which would only lead to more conflict between our peoples and further divide this nation. We also have no interest in genetically blending ourselves out of existence just so you can feel at home.

Secondly, you don’t wish to assimilate. Not only do your people insist on not learning English, but also are imposing their culture on us; all while demanding that we change our ways, take down our flags, etc., since everything about us offends them. You even have the audacity to tell us to change our laws to favor more foreign invasion!
So the real question is, why even come here at all? The only logical answer to that question is that you are here to rape, plunder and colonize our nation, which is exactly what is happening right before our very eyes.

In regards to natives being the only “true Americans,” this is actually debatable. But I’ll entertain your silly argument, which so happens to be one that is used constantly by these invader types to justify the colonization of other people’s land. Zoe’s logic, like most low IQ invaders, is basically saying something along the lines of this: “Well you stole the land first, so now its our turn to steal it, but we aren’t in the wrong because you stole it first.”
The fact of the matter is, land doesn’t belong to anyone – countries do. Land and countries are not the same thing. Countries are social constructs built on land by people who conquer and develop that land. The borders of countries can expand and contract as they have many times throughout world history. Land is not a social construct, therefore, the “land argument” is simply a false equivalence.
Furthermore, the “Natives” didn’t found the nation of America; it was founded by white Europeans, and these are the only people who can maintain this nation as it is. It wasn’t Native American, African, Chinese or any other culture that made America one of the greatest nations that ever existed; it was European culture that did. Making white people a minority in the US would be no different than making the Chinese the minority in China, and expecting it to be the same country. If you you change the people, you change the country, but the land always remains.
But Zoe and her ilk don’t care about countries, cultures, or even other peoples. These invaders only care about advancing the interests of their “raza” while getting free stuff in the process.
Now this is where she decides to get fanatical in her emotional and hypocritical “muh people” state of mind:
“You can’t kill us. You can’t send us back. We are millions and millions here because it is our time to migrate,” Saldana told the magazine. “We are the youngest culture. We are doing what your people did. So shut up and just deal with it. Adjust your laws, because it’s not going away. If anything, I want to give them a hug, and say, ‘It’s okay. It’s new. Don’t be scared. We’re great people. We’re gonna do great and better things for your country. Trust me.’ We’re not angry either. We’re a culture that isn’t angry.”

The gringos have awakened, and we are not in the mood for anymore tacos. We are beginning to stand up against your invasion and it’s only going to get worse for you. So why don’t YOU SHUT UP AND DEAL WITH IT?