Bruce Springsteen Cancels NC Show in the Name of Tranny Toilets

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 9, 2016

American Bruce Springsteen performs, on June 29, 1985 in La Courneuve, outside Paris.    AFP PHOTO MICHEL GANGNE        (Photo credit should read MICHEL GANGNE/AFP/Getty Images)

Born in the JewSA

Bruce wants men dressed up like women in your women’s bathrooms, and he won’t take no for an answer.

The Boss of the faggots, amirite?


Bruce Springsteen canceled a planned concert in North Carolina to protest the state’s recent passage of the Public Facilities Privacy and Security Act, also known as the LGBT “bathroom” law.

In a statement on his official website, the 66-year-old rocker and leader of the E Street Band said that the “fight against prejudice and bigotry” is more important than any rock concert on Friday.

HB 2, signed into law late last month, makes it illegal for transgender men who identify as women to use women’s restrooms in North Carolina. The bill further prevents local municipalities from enacting their own anti-discrimination statutes.

“Just as important, the law also attacks the rights of LGBT citizens to sue when their human rights are violated in the workplace. No other group of North Carolinians faces such a burden,” Springsteen wrote. “To my mind, it’s an attempt by people who cannot stand the progress our country has made in recognizing the human rights of all of our citizens to overturn that progress.”