Brussels: Bombing at Crime Lab

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 29, 2016

It’s not terrorism.

Must be a mental health issue of some sort.

That’s really going around these days.


Five people have been arrested over a fire at crime laboratories in Brussels that officials believe may have been started to destroy forensic evidence.

Prosecutor’s spokeswoman Ine Van Wymersch said a car broke through fences at about 02:00 (00:00 GMT).

The car was then rammed into a building where forensic tests are conducted, before a fire was started. Police could not confirm if a bomb had exploded.

Ms Van Wymersch said the likely aim was to destroy “several files” inside.

The building is not yet safe to enter, Ms Van Wymersch said, so it was not possible to fully dismiss reports a bomb had exploded.

The five people were arrested near the laboratories soon after the fire was reported, Ms Van Wymersch told a press conference.

“The location was not chosen randomly,” she said. “It’s an important site, that includes sensitive documents relating to current investigations.”

Some 30 firefighters helped put out the fire at the National Institute of Criminology, which media said suffered “significant” damage but caused no casualties.

Forensic analysis linked to criminal cases is carried out at the site, but RTL report that it is not the only laboratory of its kind linked to the police.

The lab is located in Molenbeek, an entirely Islamic neighborhood. It’s where that guy who did the Paris massacre hid-out and was just walking around on the streets going to shops and such and no one turned him in. It’s a colony.

No idea why the government would still have buildings there.

They haven’t released the identities of the attackers. I think it’s safe to say they’re not blonde-haired Belgian boys.