Brutal Black Killer Cries Crocodile Tears Over Senseless Murder of White Medical Student

M Live
January 28, 2015

Paul DeWolf was killed with a single gunshot wound by three useless Black savages.

Shaquille Jones stood in a courtroom before Paul DeWolf’s family Wednesday morning and apologized for his role in the University of Michigan medical student’s death a year and a half ago.

“I know words really don’t do anything here at this point,” said Jones,22. “I wish I could take it back.”

Jones said those words shortly before he was sentenced to serve 25 to 50 years in prison.

“I just pray (his family and friends) are able to find comfort in their lives somehow,” Jones said.

Judge Archie Brown said Jones’ sentiment seemed heartfelt.

“What you do over these next few decades … maybe you’ll be able to do something that will further define your life,” he told Jones.

Jones pleaded guilty Jan. 12 to second-degree murder for his involvement in the shooting death of DeWolf.

Shaquille Jones made a pathetic apology to the victim’s parents, when if he was truly sorry he would have been asking to be executed.

Jones stopped cooperating with prosecutors in September and a plea deal was withdrawn that would have sent him to prison for at least 18 and a half years.

He pleaded guilty to the charges for the first time nearly a year ago.

He was sentenced to serve 95 months to 25 years for the two counts of home invasion in the first degree, and 95 months to 20 years for conspiracy to commit first degree home invasion. Those sentences will be served concurrently with the second degree murder sentence.

During the sentencing, Paul DeWolf’s father, Thom DeWolf, said he’s had to forgive those responsible for his son’s death to overcome hatred, anger, bitterness and other difficult emotions since his son’s death.

He recalled how his son loved Superman as a child.

Paul DeWolf, he said, was also super in his contributions to the world as a medical student and military serviceman, as well as in his day-to-day life.

Kris and Thom DeWolf sit together during the sentencing of Shaquille Jones in the murder of their son U-M medical student Paul DeWolf.