Brutal Negress Attacker of Young Mother Named and Charged

Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
June 27, 2014

Latia Harris has been named as the brute beast who attacked the young mother.

A vicious female Black wearing a McDonalds uniform is being sought for an unprovoked brutal assault on a young mother with her child. The only protection she had from the beast was the brave two-year-old, who did his best to kick the Black savage in the legs.

The attack was filmed and charges have been laid against the creature, but it has yet to be arrested and even then, unless our lands are freed from these deadly predators, it is just going to keep happening again and again.

The brutal attack took place in broad daylight in front of shocked bystanders.

From The Smoking Gun:

Police today charged a female McDonald’s employee for the vicious beating of a New Jersey woman whose two-year-old small son tried to stop the attack, a video of which went viral this week.

Latia Harris, 25, has been named in a criminal complaint accusing her of aggravated assault and two counts of making terroristic threats, according to a court filing. The brutal attack occurred Tuesday evening in an open field behind a McDonald’s in Salem, a southwestern New Jersey city.

Harris, pictured in the above driver’s license photo, was wearing her McDonald’s uniform as she punched, kicked, and spat on the 27-year-old victim, who was “covered in blood” when emergency service workers arrived at the scene (she was subsequently transported to a local hospital for treatment).

A video of the attack (seen below) was posted to Facebook, where it was copied by Salem police. Investigators reported that the victim told them that “Tia who works at McDonalds” assaulted her and accused her of spreading rumors about her and her McDonald’s manager.

As seen on the video, during the assault Harris threatened to kick the victim’s son in the face. As his mother was being beaten, the boy kicked Harris several times in the leg. At the conclusion of the assault, Harris “spat on the victim and walked away asking those recording the incident not to post it on social media,”according to a police statement.

The complaint alleges that Harris also threatened to shoot the victim “while punching her about the face.”

Harris, who remains at large, has not reported to work since the June 24 incident. When she is apprehended, Harris will be booked into jail on the three felony counts, the bail for which has already been set at $35,000.