Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 14, 2015

It’s happening.
In the Reuters/Ipsos 5-day tracking poll that samples 534 Republicans, over the last week, Donald Trump has surged to a massive national lead in the GOP presidential primary. Currently, the billionaire businessman sits at 42% with likely Republican primary voters. His closest competitor is Ben Carson, who sits at just below 25%.
Last week both men were pretty much tied up at around 25%. That is a 17 point surge for Trump.
Among all Republicans, Trumps enjoys a 34% to 20% lead over Carson.
Reuters adds that this “is also bad news for Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), who is widely considered to be emerging as the establishment-backed alternative to Trump.”
Rubio remains stuck at 10%.
We all knew the polls showing Magic Negro leading The Great White Hope were nonsense.
And hey guys, get this?
The poll was done before Paris.
After Paris, people are going to quickly abolish whatever weird feelings were leading them to put faith in a cripple Negro or any of the rest of these cucks, and get behind the Alpha Male.
I predict post-Paris polls will put him at 60%