Buckle Your Spacebelts, Faggots: Trump Just Signed the Mars Bill

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 22, 2017

As per the request of the Daily Stormer, Trump is taking us to Mars.

He’s cutting that stupid fake news global warming hoax in order to enlarge the very real agenda to build a city on Mars.

Skinwalker Ted Cruz’ awkward joke that Our Jolly Leader was obligated to go along with can’t ruin this historic moment.


President Donald Trump signed legislation Tuesday adding human exploration of Mars to NASA’s mission. Could sending Congress into space be next?

Flanked at an Oval Office bill-signing ceremony by astronauts and lawmakers, Trump observed that being an astronaut is a “pretty tough job.” He said he wasn’t sure he’d want it and, among lawmakers he put the question to, Sen. Ted Cruz said he wouldn’t want to be a space traveler, either.

But Cruz, R-Texas, offered up a tantalizing suggestion. “You could send Congress to space,” he said to laughter, including from the president.

Trump, who faces a crucial House vote later this week on legislation long promised by Republicans to overhaul the Obama-era Affordable Care Act health law, readily agreed. The health care bill is facing resistance from some conservative members of the party.

“What a great idea that could be,” Trump said, before turning back to the space exploration measure sponsored by Cruz and Sen. Bill Nelson, D-Fla.

The new law authorizes $19.5 billion in spending for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration for the budget year that began Oct. 1. Cruz said the authorization bill is the first for the space agency in seven years, and he called it a “terrific” achievement.

Trump last week sent Congress a budget proposal that seeks $19.1 billion in spending authorization for the agency next year.

“For almost six decades, NASA’s work has inspired millions and millions of Americans to imagine distant worlds and a better future right here on earth,” Trump said. “I’m delighted to sign this bill. It’s been a long time since a bill like this has been signed, reaffirming our commitment to the core mission of NASA: human space exploration, space science and technology.”

The measure amends current law to add human exploration of the red planet as a goal for the agency. It supports use of the International Space Station through at least 2024, along with private sector companies partnering with NASA to deliver cargo and experiments, among other steps.

Pence also announced that Trump plans to re-launch the National Space Council, with Pence as chairman, to coordinate U.S. space policy. The council was authorized by law in 1988, near the end of the Reagan administration, but ceased to operate soon after Bill Clinton took office in January 1993.


Bill Clinton redirected all of our resources – awarded to us by our hardworking ancestors – to strange races.

We will be celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Moon landing in 2019.

Yet we have not been back to the Moon, let alone established a colony there, let alone built a gigantic city on Mars.

The science fiction writers of the 1950s were not wrong. This stuff should have and would have happened.

But something funny happened on the way to the GALACTIC EMPIRE: our entire civilization was waylaid by kikes. “Progress,” having previously been associated with the development of technological civilization, was redefined as making women from mothers into CEOs, injecting boys with estrogen to “change their sex,” teaching 5-year-olds how to have anal sex with men, pouring money into Africa to ensure that their population reaches 4 billion by 2100 and exterminating white people.

Progress then

“Progress” now

People’s desire for progress and development has been redirected into this so-called “social progress,” which is in fact a nonsensical concept. Society had reached stasis in the Christian era, and though there is always room for a little minor tweaking, the idea of a functional society requiring any form of “social revolution” is insane.

There are only two kinds of societies: stable societies and formerly stable societies which are declining. The fact that a society came to be means that it was stable to begin with. This means that the only situation where there would be a need for a social revolution would be in the state of decline itself, to restabilize it.

We are in need of a counter-revolution, to reframe our cultural Zeitgeist in positive terms. I believe very, very strongly that an exciting space program could play a very crucial role in this change.