Bug-Eater Greta Calling for Mass Internet Censorship to Stop People Making Fun of Her

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 27, 2019

How dare you make fun of me on the internet? 

It’s almost like this retarded girl is just a mouthpiece for a bunch of various Jewish agendas.

Daily Mail:

Climate activist Greta Thunberg is setting her sights on Facebook, urging the social media giant to take responsibility and curb the hate speech, conspiracy theories and lack of fact-checking that she says is rampant on the platform.

In a Facebook post shared with her 2.6million followers, Thunberg, 16, wrote Wednesday that she was debating quitting the social media platform because she finds its ‘lack of taking responsibility very disturbing.’

‘I am, like many others, questioning whether I should keep using Facebook or not,’ Thunberg wrote Wednesday. ‘Allowing hate speech, the lack of fact checking and of course the issues of interfering with democracy…are among many, many other things that are very upsetting.

‘The constant lies and conspiracy theories about me and countless of others of course result in hate, death threats and ultimately violence,’ Thunberg continued. ‘This could easily be stopped if Facebook wanted to. I find the lack of taking responsibility very disturbing.’

She concluded the post by noting: ‘But I’m sure that if they are challenged and if enough of us demand change – then change will come.’

Thunberg’s post also included a video of a news report of Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg testifying before the House Financial Services Committee earlier that day. Zuckerberg was asked about his new cryptocurrency project, Libra, but was also grilled about his company’s refusal to police hate speech and ban fake advertising statements.

Thunberg has said that as the spotlight on her and her climate activism grows, both she and her family have been harassed and threatened on social media.

‘The one who suffers is my sister,’ Thunberg told Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter, according to Insider. ‘She is 13 years old and has to endure systematic bullying, hatred, and harassment.’ 

Well maybe your 13-year-old sister – who I assume is also retarded – should leave the internet, Greta.

The idea that we are going to structure a global communications network on “making sure nothing hurts the feelings of little retarded girls” is insane, but it’s certainly par for the course at this point.

Internet law can start including a “Thunberg Test,” where everything allowed online is examined in light of the question: might this bother a small retarded girl? 

Remember when conservatives said that banning the Daily Stormer was a special case, because we made that one really mean joke about that dead fat bitch?

I am, like many others, questioning whether I should keep using Facebook or not. Allowing hate speech, the lack of fact…

Gepostet von Greta Thunberg am Mittwoch, 23. Oktober 2019

Such innocence, those times.

But maybe we’re still innocent?

Talking Points USA told me that internet censorship is a conspiracy theory.

Maybe you’re imagining that post made by the uncontested Queen of Gaia, where she said that everyone who questions her must be banned even more aggressively than they already are.

I mean, who really knows what is real anymore, right?