Bugman Fake News Journalist Ryan Lizza Fired from New Yorker and CNN for “RIGHT TO GROPE”

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 12, 2017

We have a saying in the Alt-Right: “love the groping, but hate the kikes and bugman shills.”

That is to say, we don’t want our belief that sluts in the workplace deserve to be aggressively sexually harassed to be undermined by the fact that we want all men to be fired from all liberal institutions, forcing them to only be run by incompetent whores.

Fox News:

The New Yorker has severed ties with star reporter Ryan Lizza in response to behavior the magazine described as “improper sexual conduct.”

Lizza emerged as a household name last summer after he recorded a phone call with then-White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci, who went off on a profanity-laced tirade. President Trump fired Scaramucci after less than two weeks.

“The New Yorker recently learned that Ryan Lizza engaged in what we believe was improper sexual conduct. We have reviewed the matter and, as a result, have severed ties with Lizza. Due to a request for privacy, we are not commenting further,” the magazine said in a statement.

Lizza is also a contributor to CNN and the network put out its own statement shortly after the news broke.

“We have just learned of the New Yorker’s decision. Ryan Lizza will not appear on CNN while we look into this matter,” a CNN spokesperson said.

“I am dismayed that The New Yorker has decided to characterize a respectful relationship with a woman I dated as somehow inappropriate,” Lizza said in a statement to the media. “I am sorry to my friends, workplace colleagues, and loved ones for any embarrassment this episode may cause. I love The New Yorker… But this decision, which was made hastily and without a full investigation of the relevant facts, was a terrible mistake.”

“In no way did Mr. Lizza’s misconduct constitute a ‘respectful relationship’ as he has now tried to characterize it,” the unnamed accuser’s attorney, Douglas Wigdor, told a Washington Post reporter.

You slinking lizard.

It is you people who made the situation which disallows normal groping to take place at work, and now you’re getting it.

Try and find someone who gives a shit, Ryan.

Women don’t care if you’re guilty. Neither do right-wing people, who think you deserve to suffer and want to see all of your institutions destroyed.

I assume you probably did it, and if you were right wing I would support your manly right to grope stupid whores who want to shove themselves into a male workplace – the same as a man has a right to pull out a thorn that shoves itself under his skin while he’s hiking.

However, this is no different than if you’d gotten caught calling someone a nigger: you need to be held to your own insane standards, Ryan.

No grope for you.