Bulgaria: Church Says Don’t Let Any Moslems in at All

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 28, 2015


Someone needs to explain to the Bulgarians that this present situation is completely different than the last time Bulgaria was invaded by Moslems. There is simply no way it could be more different than when the Ottoman Empire invaded the country and occupied it for 500 years.

The history of Ottoman Bulgaria spans nearly 500 years, from the conquest by the Ottoman Empire of the smaller kingdoms emerging from the disintegrating Second Bulgarian Empire in the late 14th century, to the Liberation of Bulgaria in 1878. Bulgarian territories were administrated as the Rumelia Eyalet. The Ottoman rule was a period marked by oppression and misgovernment and represents a deviation of Bulgaria’s development as a Christian European state.

It is just, like, so not the same, like, at all.

Like, I mean, to even compare the two situations is like, so wrong and racist.

Because, first of all, for example…

One of the major differences is…

It’s like, it’s…

Goyim, I…

You are all Nazis.


Bulgaria’s Orthodox Church has called on its government not to let any more Muslim refugees into the country to prevent an “invasion”.

The Balkan EU member has largely been bypassed by the hundreds of thousands of refugees fleeing conflict and poverty, many of whom set off from Greece through neighbouring Macedonia and Serbia towards northern Europe.

But Bulgaria has still seen Syrians, Afghans and Iraqis cross its southeastern border from Turkey.

“We help refugees who have already arrived in our motherland, but the government must absolutely not let more refugees in,” the church — which claims 80 percent of the population as its followers — said late Friday on its website.

“This is a wave that looks like an invasion.”

It added that the problems in the refugees’ countries of origin “must be resolved by those who created them and the Bulgarian people must not pay the price by disappearing.

Bulgaria’s Prime Minister Boyko Borisov said Friday he was “concerned” over a potential massive influx of migrants in the coming months.

“I’m scared and the Bulgarian people are scared, if only where religions are concerned. We are Christian, they are Muslim.”

Yeah, the problem is much bigger than religion. But “if only” is a good way to put it, I think.