Daily Stormer
November 26, 2016
How these lovely people repay us
It’s nice to see that in Bulgaria they understand that when an invader shows your people and country disrespect, you send that worthless excuse for a human back to where they came from.
Bulgaria will move 1,000 refugees who recently protested against restrictions on their movement to a former army barracks before expelling them, Prime Minister Boiko Borisov has said.
More than 400 refugees had been arrested by Friday after clashes erupted on Thursday at the Harmanli reception centre near the Turkish border.
We all know that nothing is good enough until they’re all gone, but this means that there’s 1000 less getting their own way, and I don’t know about you but that makes me happy.
Moslem tears taste the best!
The offenders – who authorities identified as mainly young Afghan men – will be moved to closed facilities that are being set up at an empty barracks near the Turkish border before being extradited next month to their native Afghanistan.
“The people who committed these acts of vandalism will be brought to justice,” Prime Minister Boiko Borisov, who canceled a visit to Hungary because of the protest, said late on Friday.
Even if you were to accept this “innocent victims escaping a brutal civil war” narrative, any country that has stupidly taken them in (so, like the whole of Europe) should immediately be kicking out any animal that makes demands and/or is violent.
This should be a no brainer.
Normal people who are desperate to escape a life/death situation should be nothing but grateful when allowed entry into someone else’s country. They should not expect anything, nor dare ask for anything. They should simply be counting their blessings.
‘Abdullah they totally fell for it and we made it! Gonna breed with as many whites as we can!’
These refugees have done nothing but complain, abuse authority and set a bunch of stuff on fire. Constantly raising hell and making it very clear how much they want to run the show.
They complain about petty things such as not liking the food they’re being served and the weather.
Remember when the Syrians complained that they didn’t like the area in Scotland they were in, due to it being home to a lot of old people?
Do these sound like individuals who just want to escape trauma?
hmm I wonder if it’s possible they’re invading European countries for any other (maybe sinister?) reason…
Despite the decreasing numbers, Bulgarian nationalists have staged several protests in recent months calling for the immediate closure of all refugee centres in the country.
At present, some 13,000 refugees, mostly from Afghanistan, are currently trapped in the European Union’s poorest country.
These people can raise havoc and demand whatever they want and shitlibs don’t care.
They can rape our women, kill our citizens, threaten our children and only more help by traitors is offered to them.
We will change this.
We won’t rest until every single one of them is gone.
‘Those who want to live, let them fight, and those who do not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle do not deserve to live’ -Hitler, Mein Kampf