Daily Slave
July 3, 2014

Fast food chain Burger King has for some reason unknown to us at this time, decided that it would be a good idea to sell a gay pride Whopper sandwich. They are calling it the Proud Whopper.
Obviously the promotion of this mental illness otherwise known as homosexuality is getting weirder and weirder. Sorry folks, but suffering from a mental disorder is nothing to be proud of. The fact that people actually boast about this disorder is a product of Marxist brainwashing courtesy of Jewish television and movie companies.
From USA Today:
Burger King has concocted yet another way to have it your way: a gay pride burger.
The Proud Whopper, as it’s called, comes wrapped in a rainbow colored wrapper with this inscription: “We are all the same inside.” It will be sold through Thursday at one Burger King restaurant on San Francisco’s Market Street, that was at the heart of the route for last weekend’s 44th annual San Francisco Pride Celebration & Parade.
Burger King on Wednesday morning at 8 a.m. EST plans to post a two-minute video about the Proud Whopper on its YouTube channel.
“It showcases who we are as a brand,” says Fernando Machado, senior vice president of global brand management at Burger King. “It shows how we, as a brand, believe in self-expression.”
The inspiration behind the unusual burger wrap and video, he says, is Burger King’s localized efforts to put into motion actions that support its recently-tweaked slogan: “Be Your Way.”