Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 11, 2015

Guys, I’m sorry, but every time I see the newest updates on the developing war in Europe, I get a bit giddy.
A German newspaper, the Hamburger Morgenpost, that reprinted the Charlie Hebdo cartoons says it suffered an arson attack overnight.
The incident happened at about 2 am local time.Unidentified people threw stones and an incendiary devices into the building housing the “Hamburger Morgenpost” tabloid newspaper in Hamburg, Germany’s second largest city.
“Rocks and then a burning object were thrown through the window,” a police spokesman told AFP. “Two rooms on the lower floors were damaged but the fire was put out quickly.”
Nobody was hurt in the attack, police say.The newspaper said there were no people inside the building when the attack happened.
The attack was launched from a courtyard in the newspaper’s building and hit its archive room, where some files burned.
“It’s true: Tonight there was an arson attack on our newspaper,” the Hamburger Morgenpost said on Twitter.
Police have arrested two men who were behaving suspiciously in the area at the time of the attack, said the newspaper. The authorities have launched an investigation.
The Hamburger Morgenpost reprinted cartoons created by the Charlie Hebdo magazine whose HQ in Paris was attacked on January 7. Twelve people, including famous cartoonists, were killed in the massacre.
What now, White man?
They are already in your base, meaning you’ve got nowhere to run.
The options are:
1.) Get killed
2.) Convert to Snackbarism
3.) Resist
The choice is yours.
Prehistoric Ape Threatens to Shut It Down in Ireland
In other cartoon news, a Moslem terrorist in Ireland is threatening to sue the bitch down.

A senior Islamic cleric in Ireland has issued a warning against reproducing Charlie Hebdo’s front page depiction of the Prophet Muhammad, after the massacre of journalists and police at the magazine’s offices.
Dr Ali Selim of the Islamic Cultural Centre of Ireland threatened legal action against Irish journalists who post pictures of the page to their Twitter accounts and warned media not to reproduce it. The page contained a picture of Muhammad kissing another man, with the line “love is stronger than hate”.
Speaking to Niall Boylan on Classic Hits 4FM, Dr Selim said that posting the picture would not put the presenter’s life in danger, but he would pursue legal action.
“No, your life will not be in danger, but definitely we will check the Irish law, if there is any legal channel against you, we’ll take it,” the Islamic scholar said. He added that the message that love is stronger than hate was acceptable but not if it was accompanied by a cartoon of the prophet. Speaking to the Herald after the interview, Dr Selim reiterated his position. “This [The image] is offensive,” he said.
The image of your face is offensive, Dr. Selim. But I won’t sue you for publishing it. I will, however, demand that you immediately exit Ireland and return to whichever dung-heap you’ve managed to crawl your way up out of. Because hey guess what buddy – in your country, printing these cartoons is already banned. You and your monkey posse would feel so much more comfortable there, I assure you. So why are you in our countries in the first place?
Charlie Investigator Just Couldn’t Take It
Last bit of cartoon news: a top investigator of the Charlie Hebdo massacre case has shot himself in the head.
Police commissioner Helric Fredou, who had been investigating the attack on the French weekly satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, committed suicide in his office. The incident occurred in Limoges, the administrative capital of the Limousin region in west-central France, on Thursday night, local media France 3 reports.
Helric Fredou, 45, suffered from depression and experienced burn out. Shortly before committing suicide, he met with the family of a victim of the Charlie Hebdo attack and killed himself preparing the report.
I’d be pretty burned out too, like “they killed these people because of cartoons??? I just can’t take it anymore.”
What a horrible mess. But a necessary mess.
Jewish Internet Police Take Action

The Jewish Internet Police have vowed action against the Moslems and will be doing the only thing they know how to do – shutting down their websites with the hope they get so annoyed they off themselves.
Interestingly, while the JIP, commonly referred to by the media as “Anonymous,” disallow any and all criticism of Jews and Blacks, they believe in defending the right of Jew cartoonists to mock the religion of (getting blown to) pieces.
Hacking collective Anonymous declared war on Islamic extremists after Wednesday’s deadly attack on Paris-based satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo, and the group has now claimed its first victim.
Anonymous, a loosely organized group of hackers with no leaders, announced its operation — codenamed #OpCharlieHebdo — on Wednesday after the attack. A Twitter account with the same codename, @OpCharlieHebdo, shared a video about the operation on Saturday; it also paid tribute to the 10 magazine staffers and 2 police officers killed in the attack.
The group claimed on Saturday to have hacked the website on Saturday afternoon. In 2013, French newspapers described it as a French jihadist website.
These dudes are seriously hardcore. Can you imagine how angry the jihadis are, seeing their website is returning an error message?