Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 28, 2014

One of the top popular figures of the Ferguson peaceful riot and violent Black revolution movement – a full-on darling of the Jew media supporting these riots – was charged on Saturday with arson relating to an attack on a Berkeley convenience store last week.
St. Louis County police arrested Joshua Williams, 19, of St. Louis, on Friday after several local media outlets and store surveillance captured images of him trying to set a pile of wood on fire outside the QuikTrip on North Hanley Road early Wednesday.
Williams confessed to setting fires at the store in a videotaped interview, according to court documents.
Police say Williams entered the QuikTrip shortly after looters shattered its glass doors during protests of the death of Antonio Martin, 18, who a police officer had shot earlier at the Mobil station across the street. Surveillance footage from the Mobil store shows Martin point what police say is a gun at a Berkeley officer before the officer fatally shoots him.
Williams can be seen in videos both inside and outside the looted QuikTrip, authorities said.
On Friday night and Saturday morning, a small group gathered at the St. Louis County Justice Center in Clayton to protest Williams’ arrest. Some were in disbelief over his reported confession and said the video images are not clear enough.
“Josh is one of the young activists, and all of us have taken close to him. We got to know his heart, and he got to know ours,” said Bishop Derrick Robinson, of Kingdom Destiny Fellowship International. “He’s a great kid, an educated kid, a child who knows what he wants and is very active in the community.”
The Post-Dispatch, Bloomberg, USA Today and the Associated Press have quoted and photographed Williams. On Oct. 13, he was photographed walking arm-in-arm with author and activist Cornel West toward the St. Louis University campus where protesters staged a sit-in.
Williams’ most recent confrontation of St. Louis Police Chief Sam Dotson during a Ferguson Commission meeting landed him in the pages of this newspaper.
Williams came within feet of Dotson and shouted at him as he tried to answer questions from the panel. “Can someone please get this lying (expletive) ho off the mic!” Williams yelled.
Williams has been arrested at least twice during Ferguson-related protests for unlawful assembly as well as refusal to disperse.
The horrible peaceful Black bastard is charged with arson in the first degree, which is a felony, along with felony burglary and misdemeanor theft for allegedly stealing a lighter, gum and cash from the store before trying to burn the bitch down.

Williams has also claimed to be a cousin of Michael Brown. I have not seen this confirmed anywhere, but a lot of Black people are cousins with each other because other than rioting the number one thing they do is get multiple women pregnant constantly. This would go to support a plan I came up with months ago: that everyone related to Brown be rounded up and charged with being part of a criminal conspiracy.

Williams was regularly quoted by the media as an example of a peaceful Black rioter, and the filthy lying Jews of MSNBC did a profile on him in September, wherein he was quoted: “We have to come together as one and show them we can be peaceful, that we can do this. If not, they’re going to just want us to act up so (police) can pull out their toys on us again … I learned that we have to stand up and that you can’t get nowhere with violence but you can always move people without it.”

Once again this proves that… good God people what does it prove? Did we really need this “proved” again? Does it prove anything that was not blatantly obvious to everyone who had ever visited Africa or been around Blacks in any capacity whatsoever before the 1960s?
These monkeys are not civilized and they do not belong in a civilized society. The fact that a poster-child of the Black peaceful riot revolution has just admitted to arson won’t prove anything to anyone who wasn’t already aware of what is going on here.