Burning Man Founder Explains Why Blacks Don’t Like Camping

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 9, 2015

NEW JEW MEME ALERT: If Blacks choose not to go to your event because they don't like it, you then have a "diversity problem" and must figure out a way to solve it. Or at least explain it.
NEW JEW MEME ALERT: If Blacks choose not to go to your event because they don’t like it, you then have a “diversity problem” and must figure out a way to solve it. Or at least explain it.

I’m not sure if this is really as funny as I think it is.

But man, I sure do think it’s funny.

Note: For those who don’t know, Burning Man is a for-profit hippie event (as who has been close to hippie culture at certain points in his youth, I consider this an oxymoron) where people camp out and there’s music and they burn this effigy in a pseudo-pagan ritual of some sort. It is now more of a homosexual event than a hippie event. Also, sluts using it as an excuse to slut it up to levels over 9000, strutting around naked around a bunch of beta males who they can easily control with their titties.

The Independent:

Burning Man’s founder has considered the reason behind his festival’s lack of diversity and come up with a simple if highly controversial answer – black people just don’t like camping as much as white people because it reminds them of slavery.

Larry Harvey set up the iconic experimental event with a group of friends in 1986 and it is still held every year in Nevada’s Black Rock Desert. ‘Radical inclusion’ is one of the festival’s key principles, but a recent report found that just 1.3 per cent of around 70,000 ‘burners’ identify as black.

When the Guardian put these figures to Harvey during a recent interview, his response was come up with possible reasons behind them and insist that he will never “set racial quotas”.

“I got a lot of criticism for once saying I don’t think black folks like to camp as much as white folks,” he said. “I think it’s a little much to expect the organisation to solve the problem of racial parity. We do see a fast-increasing influx of Asians, black folks.”

Harvey believes that “historic reasons” are to blame for the diversity issue. “Remember a group that was enslaved and made to work? Slavishly, you know, in the fields,” he said, adding that his ex-wife and children are African-American.

“This goes all the way back to the Caribbean scene, when the average life of a slave in the fields was very short. And so, there’s that background, that agrarian poverty associated with things. Maybe your first move isn’t to go camping. Seriously.”

I don’t know if this is trolling or if he is saying this seriously. Nor do I know which way it would be funnier. But either way, it is very, very funny.

Anyway, I have never been to this festival. But if anyone wants to go next year, dressed up full skinhead and hand out pamphlets, it could be major lols on the YouTube. And I’d be down.

Here are pics. Maybe NSFW? I am not posting any with visible sex organs, which I think means it’s only PG-13, which I think means SFW.

It’s not like you’re not all completely desensitized anyway. No going back from that. Anyway, this is an actual real thing that happens.

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