But Why Tho: UKIP Appoints Female Leader

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 20, 2016



UKIP has replaced Nigel Farage with a female, Diane James.

I’m so sick of this.

Why does every right-wing party have to have a woman leader?

Who is this supposed to appeal to? The only people who actually believe women are capable politicians are childless women, and they tend to vote left-wing anyway.

At least she’s pro-Russia.

Of course, the entire response to her support for Russia has been “how can a liberated Western woman support Russia?”

And it’s a fair question.


Diane James, who last week replaced Nigel Farage as leader of the UK Independence Party (UKIP), confirmed Russian President Vladimir Putin is among her political inspirations.

In her first interview as leader, James told BBC Sunday Politics presenter Andrew Neil she couldn’t think of anybody “other than Vladimir Putin” as her main political hero. Then, after some thought, she added former British prime ministers Margaret Thatcher and Winston Churchill to the list.

Her comments set social media abuzz, with political commentators and journalists alike questioning James’s understanding of Putin’s and her own politics.

“Diane James is a Putin fan so I expect UKIP’s next major campaign to feature her riding a horse topless,” comedian and broadcaster Tiernan Douieb tweeted.

City AM pundit Daniel Hamilton thought James’s fondness of Putin showed “a squalid view from the leader of a small-minded party.”

And writer Iain Martin wondered whether British politics could “get any more weird.”

James’s professed love for the Russian leader isn’t entirely new. She ardently praised Putin in a 2015 interview with the Telegraph.

“I admire [Putin] from the point of view that he’s standing up for his country. He is very nationalist,” she said.

“He is a very strong leader. He is putting Russia first, and he has issues with the way the [European Union] encouraged a change of government in the Ukraine which he felt put at risk a Russian population in that country.”

Putin is an example of a strong leader. So is Donald Trump.

On the other hand you have Marine Le Pen, who has collapsed the party her father built, and is now going to lose an election where she had previously been running virtually unopposed, because she has weakened all of the party’s positions.

Your Tears

Whenever I talk about feminism, faggots whine, claim that I am “anti-woman,” a concept that doesn’t even make any sense.

Well, to the faggots whining: I am just as opposed to men who dress-up like women as I am to women in politics. And it is the same thing.

But there are a lot more women in politics than there are trannies.
