Daily Slave
August 12, 2014

I’m really getting tired of people freaking out over the swastika symbol. People are trained like Pavlov’s dog to flip their lids any time they see anything that remotely looks like it.
The fact that a story like this actually made local and even national news is insane. Perhaps it is time to make the swastika symbol and other symbols associated with National Socialism so pervasive that the Jew media won’t be able to cover all of these so-called anti-Semitic incidents.
From WCTI:
A Carteret County mother makes a shocking discovery when she goes to eat her chicken sandwich from a McDonald’s drive-thru in Morehead City. That customer, Charleigh Matice, said when she went to put mayonnaise on her bun she found a swastika etched in butter on it.
Matice said she couldn’t believe someone could possibly do that in this day and time.
“Is this a joke? Does somebody really think they’re funny?,” Matice said.
This anti-Semitic symbol was used by the Nazi party in Germany during the Holocaust. Her grandfather had fought in World War II. She said the swastika really offended her.
“Many people died because of that symbol and it’s not something that should be taken lightly. It’s not something that should be thrown around,” Matice said.
She said when she went inside the restaurant employees offered to replace it.
“I really didn’t have an appetite at that point so I said I rather have my money back,” Matice said.
However, Matice said even with the money she didn’t feel satisfied. She wants the incident addressed at a larger scale.
“Maybe it needs to be part of training, or maybe brought up more often so that people know that this is not okay,” Matice said.