Butthurt Over 9000: Twitter Reacts to Brexit!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 24, 2016


Click to enlarge.

The Rebel Alliance of faggots and hordes of brown people has suffered a bitter defeat at the hands of the new and rising shitlord Empire.

And they are not taking it lying down.

No, they are sitting up at their chairs, getting on Twitter, and whining like little bitches.

Well, maybe some of them are lying down and typing on their phones, I guess.

Probably most of them are doing that.

It’s funny. I wouldn’t really expect American SJWs or brown people to even know what the Brexit is. But I guess it is just “some White people thing” to them, and they see White people winning and it enrages them.

Well faggots: let the rage flow. And get ready to rage a lot harder.

Because a whole other type of storm is brewing.


Please use the comments thread here to document any liberal Brexit butthurt you come across.