Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 14, 2015
Following an extremely poor article about Le Happy Merchant (in which he inexplicably referred to the Merchant as “jew-bwa-ha-ha.gif), the Buzzfeed Jew Bernstein has written a less horrible article about Le American Bear (but maybe I’m biased here because he bothered to give me a mention and link, which most Jew articles don’t do even when they are talking about me).
All the pictures he used are from my post here.
He goes through and explains that Le American Bear is a evolutionary form of Spurdo Spärde, using the Know Your Meme explanation of who Spurdo is. He claims it came from a leftist chan, which is not an actual thing.
The Jew this time, responding to our criticism, noted the actual name of our most favorite Jew:
Except for one thing. He’s the credulous foil to and perpetual victim of pro-Israel, anti-America conspiracies by “Jew-bwa-ha-ha.gif” (the internet’s favorite anti-Semitic cartoon), and the White Supremacist internet absolutely loves him
However, this is wrong. He is not also called “Le Happy Merchant,” he is only called that. Shocked I am that such a highly visible site as Buzzfeed, which is a self-declared database on internet culture, is so out of the loop.
The Jew Bernstein then goes on to claim that we stupid Americans don’t understand that we are using a meme that was designed to make fun of us as if it was made to make fun of someone else. However, this again demonstrates a bizarre inability to grasp what is actually going on. Le American Bear is designed to mock what the Jews have done to Americans through their hundred year old program of Jewing us over.
Finally, to ensure the piece was saturated to the max with lies and falsehoods, the Jew claims he did not do 9/11.