Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 26, 2015

Buzzfeed has a 7,500 word essay up claiming that immigrants to the US are slaves.
It begins:
The H-2 visa program invites foreign workers to do some of the most menial labor in America. Then it leaves them at the mercy of their employers. Thousands of these workers have been abused — deprived of their fair pay, imprisoned, starved, beaten, raped, and threatened with deportation if they dare complain. And the government says it can do little to help. A BuzzFeed News investigation.
What follows is a rambling tear-stained NYT-style special interest piece, examining the personal life stories of immigrants who were allegedly abused, digging up cases from years ago (mostly focusing on one crawfish producer) to try and make it out as though this is some widespread conspiracy.
Of course, there are literally millions of immigrants who have come to America in the last decade, so being able to find a few anecdotal tales of individual immigrants being abused means absolutely nothing.
They then connect the abuse to the H-2 visa program which they assert is a capitalist conspiracy.
And I agree. It is a capitalist conspiracy. To make money, at the expensive of the American people.
The pro-immigration capitalists are working with the pro-immigration Jews to the same end. They are two sides of the same Jew shekel.

Though some story of a Mexican woman suing for allegedly being told to show her tits to a crawfish producer in 2007 doesn’t jerk the tears from my eyes, especially when I know the numbers of Whites being raped and killed by immigrants, I don’t think anyone wants to see Mexicans workers abused. I can agree with Buzzfeed: telling immigrant crawfish strippers to show their tits is bad.
The solution to these few cases of immigrant abuse is to stop allowing these people in our country. Boom. No immigrants in the country, no immigrants getting abused in the country.