Daily Stormer
April 7, 2015

France is being attacked over the new colony at Calais being the worst refugee camp in the world.
Again, the boats carrying these people should have been sunk and we wouldn’t have this issue.
But the reality is that Britain is responsible for the camp, not France, as France is not the one willing to give all of these insane benefits to monkeys from anywhere.
The flow of migrants to Calais has increased rapidly in recently years to the point where as many as 2,500 have amassed in makeshift shanty towns, the largest of which is known as “The Jungle”.
Most of the migrants – who come mainly from Sudan, Eritrea, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Syria – have no intention of staying in France, and are more interested in looking for opportunities to cross the Channel and seek asylum in the UK.
Last week, French local authorities finally took action, saying The Jungle and all the smaller sites would be bulldozed by the end of the month.
Though it’s nearly impossible to keep count of a population that’s constantly shifting, an estimated 1,300 have had no choice but to leave. Now, around 1,200 have moved to one single designated wasteland to the east of the city on the back of eviction threats from the French riot police.
But aid workers have said that conditions at the new camp are far from acceptable.
“This is the worst camp for war refugees in Europe, if not in the world,” Christian Salomé, the director of voluntary migrant help group L’Auberge des Migrants, told The Local on Friday.
“It is probably the only camp in the world where there is so little water. There is only one water point and some people have to walk more than a kilometre to access it. This is unacceptable. There are no toilets either.”