Calais Mayor Bans Charities From Feeding Invasive Migrant Filth

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 3, 2017

You know, there are signs at state and national parks about not feeding the animals. It’s a pretty simple concept you learn as a child: if you feed them, they will become dependent on the food and no longer be able to find their own food in a natural way. Beyond that, they will become more comfortable around people, and will begin lingering around areas where people are, and may at some point become dangerous to people.

I remember being at a state park at the age of 5 or so and having this concept explained to me by my parents, and saying “ah, okay, that makes sense to me, a 5-year-old.” Even at that age, it’s not something that needs explained twice. It’s something you are easily able to acknowledge as self-evident.

But somehow, the concept is too much for French women to grasp.


The center-right mayor of the French port city of Calais faces a standoff with aid groups, after issuing an order forbidding the systematic distribution of food on the site of the so-called ‘Jungle’ refugee camp, which was demolished last October.

“We have suffered too much,” said Natacha Bouchart, a member of the center-right Les Republicains, after approving the new restrictions on Thursday.

Posters explaining the new rules were placed around the remnants of the ‘Jungle,’ whose population reached 10,000 at its peak, while heavily armed police patrolled the territory.

Utopia56, a humanitarian aid group, said officers fired tear gas at volunteers and teenagers who were standing in line for food on Thursday.


Bouchart said that she understood the situation “from a human standpoint,” but said long-term concerns were at play.

“It’s not a directive against the distribution of meals, but against gatherings because these lead to law and order issues as well as security and waste problems. I took this decision to make sure that no permanent base or squat is created around Calais,” Bouchart told AFP.

In accordance with the demolition orders, only a small contingent of minors who have been accepted by the UK remain. Other residents of the ‘Jungle,’ most of whom were either failed asylum seekers or who plan to apply for refugee status in Britain, were resettled in centers throughout France.

Many failed to reach or settle at their new designated accommodation, and new arrivals, predominantly from the Middle East, Africa, and the Indian subcontinent, are still pouring into the city.

Though they are harder to account for, several charities are reporting handing out hundreds, and even thousands of meals daily.

Utopia56 have told La Voix du Nord that they will continue to feed the migrants “for the simple reason that they are hungry,” even if they have to move their operation underground.

Other charities believe the new directive will not address the underlying factors that draw migrants to Calais.

“They are trying to make the refugees invisible, so they make it harder to distribute in town than the countryside. We can’t distribute at day so we have to do it at night. They are trying to push them out of sight,” Renke Meuwese, of Refugee Community Kitchen and Help Refugees, told the Guardian.

These people are disgusting.

Just in case anyone is somehow confused about the fact that it is around 80% women involved in any of these sickening invasion programs, here’s what a Google Images search turns up for Utopia56:

Most of those men are non-white – there are a few white men, of course, but one would presume they are there trying to meet women. Or simply because their balls have been cut by the feminist cultural-engineering program – when you grow-up surrounded by women, you begin to take on women’s traits.

Anyway, enough with the misogyny.

Here’s a good point: the UK could learn from Calais’ “no feeding” program. The only reason they are getting swarmed by these people in the first place is that they are obsessed with feeding them.