Calais: Truckers Use Delicious Pork to Repel Monkey Hordes

The New Observer
December 5, 2015

Desperate truckers passing through the French town of Calais have started attaching raw cuts of pork to the outside of their vehicles to ward off the hordes of nonwhite invaders who continually attempt to illegally clamber aboard to get to Britain, a YouTube video has revealed.


The short video, apparently shot by a German truck driver outside Calais,  shows four large pieces of pig attached at strategic points around the truck, placed in such a way that the largely Muslim invaders who make up the inhabitants of the illegal settlement known as the “Jungle,” will not be able to come near his vehicle.

The driver is heard explaining what he is doing in indistinct German, interrupted with gales of laughter. The accompanying description is also written in Russian, and reads as follows:

“As you know, recently illegal immigrants filling the Eurozone, jump aboard the truck to get to England under Eurotunnel. German truckers [have] come up with a kind of protection. They give weight [to] their trucks with parts of pork.”


The Jungle at Calais has been the scene of increasing violence and unrest, triggered in part by the increase in nonwhite invader numbers brought about through the mass invasion sparked off by German chancellor Angela Merkel’s “open doors” policy of the last few months.

Another element of the violence has been the arrival of UK-based far leftists in Calais, who have organized the nonwhites into attack groups. French police have openly accused “extremist political activists” from the UK of sparking riots, claiming they are against all border controls and have been inciting violence inside the camp.

French Interior Ministry spokesman Pierre-Henry Brandet said the “No Borders” organization—who recently attacked the London St Pancras railway station where the Eurotunnel train arrives in Britain’s capital city—were in Calais taking “advantage of the disarray of the migrants and push[ing] them into rioting.”

Fabienne Buccio, the Pas de Calais prefect, said that the “increased aggression” of the nonwhite invaders was due to the presence of “certain groups such as No Borders, who give them the tools to confront the forces of law and order.”

The invaders have recently taken to attacking the French police with iron bars and stones, and also using these weapons against trucks which refuse to slow down to allow them to try and board.

“They first of all try to stop the lorries around the camp so as to jump aboard,” said a police spokesman.  “The aim is to try and stay in the vehicle until it passes through the Channel Tunnel or boards a ferry to England. When we try and stop what is going on, we are attacked.

“It is clear that those leading the fighting are not solely migrants. There are activists leading them on. They are unemployed activists from countries including Britain.”

Some of the activists live in caravans in the Jungle itself, advising those living there about how to get to Britain in the shortest possible time, and how to pass asylum exams.

Meanwhile, Calais mayor Natacha Bouchart has restricted access to the town’s recreational facilities to residents who can produce a new access card. This card is only available to those who have an official identity card and proof of address in the town.

The move came after the facilities were flooded with nonwhites from the Jungle and reports of crimes and sexual assaults upon locals became commonplace