California: 44% Speak Language Other Than English at Home

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 25, 2017

This is what “replacement” looks like.

CNS News:

In California–which with a July 2016 population of 39,250,017 is the nation’s most populous state–44.6 percent of the people five years of age and older do not speak English at home, according to data released this week by the Census Bureau.

At the same time, according to the Census Bureau, 18.6 percent of California residents 5 and older do not speak English “very well.”

That ranks California No.1 among the states for the percentage of people in both of these categories.

Nationwide, 21.6 percent speak a language other than English at home and 8.6 percent speak English less than very well.

Texas ranked second for the percentage of residents five and older who do not speak English at home (35.6 percent). New Mexico ranked third (34.5 percent); New Jersey ranked fourth (31.7 percent) and New York ranked fifth (31.0 percent).

States Ranked by the U.S. Census Bureau by the Percentage of People 5 and Older Who Speak a Language Other Than English at Home:

West Virginia had the smallest percentage of residents (2.5 percent) who spoke a language other than English at home. Montana had the second smallest (3.7 percent); Mississippi had the third smallest (3.8 percent); Alabama, the fourth (5.1 percent); and North Dakota the fifth (5.2 percent).

The Census Bureau asks about the language people speak in their homes and how well they speak English in its American Community Survey. The numbers released this week were for the 2016 survey.

The core premise of “multiculturalism” is a lie. By the very definition of “culture,” it must be a system shared by a population that lives among itself.

If you have multiple cultures in one location, you have a natural clash between the populations adhering to the different cultures. Members of each culture will attempt to separate and/or overtake the competing cultures.

Relatively small or tiny populations of a foreign culture living within another culture do not do this, generally. A small population of members of another culture will either adapt to the dominant culture or build a small subculture for themselves that does not attempt to attack and override the dominant culture.

This is, very simply, because a small number of people do not have what is necessary to form a society. Therefore, they will necessarily be dependent on the larger dominant culture and population, and being dependent, will not develop hostility towards it and will follow its customs.

I have lived in Asia with small communities of white guys, so I know what both sides of this look like. When you are with other white people, you have your culture together, but when you are out in the general society, you conform to the standards of the culture you are among.

We have always had small populations of foreigners in America. I remember the random Mexican or Asian family growing up as a kid. No one ever viewed them as a threat. They were simply a curiosity.

And there is the trick that has been played on us.

We were told that more of these people in our countries would just be more of that – more local curiosities, who lived in a bubble and didn’t harm anyone, didn’t disrupt the social order.

However, when a critical mass is reached, the alien culture has the ability to form a parallel society. And then you have conflict, necessarily, as multiple societies cannot peacefully exist on top of one another.

The globalist plan is to destroy all culture, to turn each individual into an atomized consumer without any roots at all, without any ties to anything other than himself. Meanwhile, the Jewish plan is simply to exterminate white people. If we keep our current course, the latter plan will probably succeed while the former will not.

You cannot destroy all cultures because brown cultures are strong enough to hold themselves together. They are much stronger than white cultures. This is due to various factors, but a key factor is the ability of the Jews to undermine male-female relations within white cultures, something that hasn’t been successful in brown cultures. Sure, you can increase divorce and abortion rates, but you’re never going to convince large numbers of brown women to give up all of the privileges that go along with being a woman in order to embrace “liberation.”

Generally, the fact that brown people are less complicated makes it more difficult to trick them into abandoning the natural order. Obviously, you could not program monkeys or dogs to abandon their biologically determined gender roles. Less intelligent people are also naturally more social due to the lack of any introspection.

So, what we are looking at is not a world of atomized individuals, but instead a conquest and displacement of whites by brown people.

California will become a Mexican/Latino state, while the nations of Europe will become Moslem. The other minorities in these areas will be forced to adapt to those new dominant cultures.