Steve Goode
White Genocide Project
April 24, 2014

In an article by, a group called “Californians for Population Stabilization” or “CAPS”, says that it wants California to slow massive immigration, in order to slow down “environmental decline”, because they believe Mexican, and other non-White immigrants are having too many children, causing too much population growth.
“Part of the solution to reversing California’s environmental decline, while not politically correct or convenient, is certainly simple,” Jo Wideman, Executive Director of CAPS, said in their statement. “If we slow mass immigration, we can slow population growth and save some [of] California for tomorrow.”
The group has launched TV adverts in Los Angeles, San Diego, and Sn Francisco, that asked the audience questions such as: “If Californians are having fewer children, why are there so many cars?“, “If Californians are having fewer children, why isn’t there enough water?“, and “If Californians are having fewer children, where are all the people coming from?”
From 2000 to 2010, many White middle class Californians left the area (White flight), and the White Californians and other groups that stayed there, had fewer children than immigrants do today.
This is something CAPS wants, and while they are not bothered about White people increasingly becoming a minority around the world, they seem to prefer White Californians as opposed to immigrants to California, that according to them, are now responsible for 98% of the population growth.
An increase of 13 million people by 2050 is going to be because of mass immigration and births to immigrants. From 2000 to 2010 alone, 2,580,000 immigrated to California and 2,474,300 births were to immigrants (Mexicans and other mixed-race Hispanics) according to CAPS.
Where do anti-Whites stand of this issue? Well, they ALWAYS stand on the side that promotes White Genocide, so they are against this group.
All and ONLY White countries are becoming non-White as a result of open borders, massive non-White immigration, and forced “diversity” (or assimilation).
When this is done to any other group, except for White people, it is internationally recognized as genocide, like when it’s done to Tibetans in Tibet.
White Genocide is turning White people all over the world into a minority. You can help it to stop by spreading our messages.
Diversity is just a codeword for White Genocide and anti-racist is just a codeword for anti-White.