Daily Stormer
February 27, 2015

A Sacramento man is angering neighbors, Jews and Johnny Law by displaying swastikas on his house. State representatives are planning to call upon him to remove them from his house.
Because “free speech must have limits.”
Regrettably, it looks like this is a Moslem making the statement that Americans and Israelis are “the new Nazis,” rather than an actual Nazi.
The symbols used by German Nazis in World War II replace stars in one American and two Israeli flags. There is also a Palestinian flag and a statue made of wood of a figure raising its arms and dressed in army green. The display also includes Christmas lights to illuminate it at night.
Sacramento Police Spokesman Officer Justin Brown said Wednesday police received a call about the house in the River Park neighborhood on Monday and after doing a welfare check found there were no reportable crimes.
“We haven’t received any other complaints,” Brown said.
Democratic Sen. Marty Block of San Diego said a news conference with lawmakers, veterans and community leaders will be held Thursday to call on the house owner to voluntarily remove the swastikas.
Block, chair of the Jewish Caucus, called the display “an insult” to the American soldiers killed and wounded fighting Adolf Hitler’s Nazi army and the millions who died in German concentration camps.
“It’s an insult to the memory of tens of thousands of brave American soldiers who died fighting people wearing swastikas and for the 6 million people who died a horrible death in concentration camps,” Block said. Most of those who perished in the camps were Jews.
Once again, Jews demonstrate their stupid belief that they will be able to whine until the earth eventually crashes into the sun because they got gassed.

Newsflash, Jews: your whine capital is just about spent, even among those who believe in your dumb lampshade hoax. You’ve defined your identity by whining, and no one has ever liked a whiner.