California: LAPD Nig-Cop Arrested for Trying to Smuggle Beaners Into America

Adrian Sol
Daily Stormer
April 29, 2018

Nobody could have predicted this fine officer would turn out to be a criminal.

So I guess the LAPD is importing their officers straight outta Africa now. I mean, that might be a good way to deal with their brown population – Africans know their way around a sjambok, I can tell you that.

Our police will soon need to learn African sjambok technology in order to cope with our diversity problems.

All hail the civilizing power of the sjambok!

Yeah, but while these African cops might have good criminal investigation techniques, we have to accept that they might bring along a little bit of corruption and lawlessness. That’s just a part of the package.


A Los Angeles police officer has been arrested on federal charges alleging he tried to smuggle in two illegal immigrants this week in southeastern San Diego County.

Yeah, I’m pretty sure that’s not how it works, bud.

Mambasse Koulabalo Patara has been charged with violating immigration laws, according to a federal complaint filed Wednesday.

Wait – you can go to jail for that? I thought immigration law was more of a suggestion.

The supreme court will probably rule soon that it’s illegal to prevent corrupt cops from bringing in illegal immigrants in exchange for bribe money.

He was arrested early Tuesday morning at a U.S. Border Patrol checkpoint in Pine Valley, located about 12 miles north of the U.S.-Mexico border.

According to the complaint, at 12:15 a.m. Tuesday, Patara drove up to the checkpoint with two male passengers in a 2006 Toyota Corolla.

While being interviewed by Border Patrol agents, Koulabalo showed them his LAPD badge and stated he was off-duty, the complaint states. Agents later patted him down and found his service-issued gun in his waistband, the complaint reads.

Koulabalo reportedly told border agents his two passengers were U.S. citizens. The men, identified as Herman Lopez and his nephew German Ramirez Gonzalez, eventually admitted they were in the country illegally.

One of the men said they had known Koulabalo for years and had worked for him at his Fontana home. He added they had decided to go to a casino in Alpine in southern San Diego County, before heading to another one in Campo and ending up at the border checkpoint near Pine Valley.

These slimy Mexicans are obviously just saying random nonsense. The reality is probably something like this: this African cop has been making money on the side by smuggling illegals over the border using his LAPD position as leverage.

And I wouldn’t be surprised if the Governor of California pardons him straight away. After all, it would be racist to do otherwise.

Also, the entire government of California is staffed by beaners.

At some point, we’ll have to make a choice as a society. Do we want to keep out Mexican illegals, or do we want to sjambok niggers? Because it seems like we can’t have both.
