California: Mexican Catholic Church Statues Beheaded!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 19, 2017

Statues beheaded at a church, which appears to be mostly attended by Mexicans.

Who beheads Christian statues…?

Ah, right.

ISIS vs. MS13 war on the streets of California when?


A disturbing scene was recently found outside a church in Hayward where statues of children were found beheaded.

For 60 years those who attend St. Bede’s Catholic Church in Hayward have passed by a group of statues out front depicting Mary’s appearance to the children of Fatima.

But lately, they’ve become a symbol of man’s cruelty.

“I’m just heartbroken to see how this happened,” said one young parishioner.

“How? What heart do you have that could do this?” said an outraged older woman who attends the church.

A few weeks ago, a vandal defaced the statues, breaking off Mary’s hands and the heads of the three children and a lamb. It’s not the first time it’s happened. The statues have been damaged three times in the last few years.

When asked why he thought someone would do something like this, eight-year old parishioner Lucia Wright replied, “I don’t know. Probably he’s a hater or something.”

Liberals claim to want peace and tolerance and so on, but by mixing together all of the groups that they are mixing together, they are ensuring violent conflict.