California: Mexican Democrat Accused of Running Her Office Like a Mexican Brothel

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 19, 2018

Christina Garcia’s only crime was bringing Mexican culture to America

Multiculturalism is ostensibly about mixing other people’s cultures with our culture.

The biggest issue with implementing this plan, however, is that many elements of these cultures we are trying to mix with our own are fundamentally incapable of jiving with the Jewish culture that is promoted as Western culture.

For instance, Mexicans will run everything they are involved in as if it is a sex club.

Typical Mexican government office environment

Because they are like children, and that is considered fun for them. I mean, I’m sure it is fun. However, white people, being adults, tend to try to act like adults in the work place and not turn it into a sex club.

Fox News:

A California Democrat who was featured in Time magazine’s Person of the Year issue for her role in the anti-sexual harassment “#MeToo” movement allegedly urged staffers to play the grade-school classic, “spin the bottle,” after a night of heavy drinking at a fundraiser, Politico reported Sunday.

David John Kernick, 38, who worked in Assemblywoman Cristina Garcia’s office for five months in 2014, filed a formal complaint with the state, claiming that he was dismissed from his job for questioning the game.

Kernick told Politico that they played the game after an evening of heavy drinking. Garcia sat on a floor in a hotel room with about six people that included staff, he told the magazine.

Yeah, I mean – she’s just trying to provoke a staff orgy.

I wonder – have any of the people who promote the Mexicanification of America ever been to Mexico?

Orgies break out in this country after the third drink.

“It was definitely uncomfortable,’’ Kernick said. “But I realized it’s different for a man than for a woman. … You know it’s inappropriate, but at the same time you may wonder, ‘How many women do you work for that act like that?’ You think … ’Maybe she’s just really cool.’’’

It’s uncomfortable for you because you’re a Northern European SQUARE who gets all wigged-out as soon as someone tries to initiate a Mexican-style orgy at an office event.

You know what we call being made uncomfortable by a Mexican-style orgy?

Racism. We call that racism.

I think.

I mean… that seems like it would be racism.

Last week, Garcia was hit with fresh allegations of misconduct in her office, including frequent discussions about sex and alcohol consumption at the Capitol.

The complainants allege that Garcia regularly talked about her sexual activity, including with other members, in front of staff. They also allege Garcia drank alcohol while doing official Assembly business and pressured staff to join her in drinking at the office or at bars.

The allegations came as Garcia is on a leave of absence following news she is being investigated in the groping of a former male legislative staff member in 2014.

Again – where is the surprise here?

She is trying to let loose. She’s fucking the entire staff, then getting drunk at work and telling the staff about the sexual experiences she’s had with the rest of the staff.

Mexican festivities are just warm-ups for the orgy. Again: have none of the people promoting Mexification ever been to Mexico? 

Isn’t this the Mexicanification we were going for?

Or do we just want the shitty parts like gang violence and beheadings?

What exactly is the goal of multiculturalism? 

None of the new complaints involve sexual misconduct, but Gilleon said the former employees considered Garcia’s frequent talk about sex a form sexual harassment.

Racism again.

Nonstop talk about sex is a part of Mexican heritage.

Garcia took a leave of absence Friday after news broke that Daniel Fierro, a former staffer in another office, alleged she rubbed his back, grabbed his buttocks and tried to grab his groin at a legislative softball game in 2014. She denies the claims.

Most people would have found that funny, Daniel.

And even if they were made uncomfortable by it, they would not have been so racist as to bring it up publicly.

We Need to Have a Discussion About Just What the Hell “Multiculturalism” Is – Because I Don’t Think Anyone Knows

If multiculturalism is not allowing foreign cultures to implement their own cultures in our country, then what is it?

What are we actually even talking about here?

Virtually no aspect of Mexican, African, Asian or Islamic culture jives with the Jewish ideal culture of feminism, homosexuality, human rights, etc.

If we wanted true multiculturalism – that is, mixing all cultures of the world together – what we would get is a violent, corrupt, poverty-ridden hyper-sexualized circus.

Blade Runner isn’t even accurate because there is no way a mixed-race society of mostly brown people could ever maintain that level of technology.

You wish.

Blade Runner is what you would get if you had only white people and Asians and had some kind of authoritarian state to enforce atheistic anarcho-consumerism. Even then I think a White/Asian society would come to some kind of natural Techno-Buddha Zeitgeist through artificial intelligence.

But that isn’t the thing.

What we are talking about is all of these different monkey-races coming together to create – to create what?

What the hell are we doing here, people?

Unlike the whackjobs promoting the “multicultural experiment,” I have actually been to all of these countries that these people are calling to have all mixed together, and I am telling you, even if you were able to somehow stop a race war and get all of these people to just seamlessly come together, you would not get anything resembling the stated Jewish vision.

So can someone define exactly what the goal is?