Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 10, 2015
It’s possible we may soon have a Mexican Ferguson/Baltimore/McKinney on our hands here folks.
A hilarious video has been released of cops in Salinas, California taking out their frustrations on a Mexican.
The scene took place last Friday. The video was uploaded on the 5th of June, but has yet to get much attention.
In the shaky cellphone vid, Jose Velasco, a 28-year-old unarmed teen, is hit repeatedly with clubs while laying on the ground by multiple officers. He is laying in the middle of the street, rolling around as the blows rain down.
The video does not show what happened before the beating. But I’m guessing he must have done something.
The Salinas Police Department gave a press release saying the officers were called in after the Mexican was running through traffic jumping on cars. When the officers arrived, they say, the Mexican was beating his own mother and violently resisted arrest and attempted to grab a taser from an officer.
When the officers fired tasers on him, it had “no effect on him” due to berserker mode.
Seems to me that beating a man who is beating his own mother in the middle of the road and then attacks you when you tell him to stop is a pretty normal response for anyone. Not just police.
It will be interesting to see if the Jew media runs with this or not. I guess perhaps if they were going to, they would have already. Probably pretty hard to drum-up sympathy for a guy who beats his own mama.
Though Alex Jones is attempting it.