Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 25, 2015

If there is one thing White children must learn, it is that they are each personally responsible for the utter failure of non-Whites.
That is why I am happy to report that El Camino Real High School in Woodland Hills, California, is doing something to active learn these evil European-American children the suffering they have brought down on non-Whites by having been born on Earth. They have enacted a special “White Space” program, wherein White children will be taken aside, away from their oppressed non-White classmates, and forced to understand the endless suffering.
In an AWARE LA Document provided by assemblyman Tim Donnelly, we read:
Why A White Space?
For many, it sounds contradictory: Isn’t it racist if just white people get together? Isn’t that segregation? The following are our reasons for meeting as a white anti-racist affinity group:
1. People of color shouldn’t always have to be the ones to educate white people about racism and oppression. We are taking responsibility for learning about our own white privilege and how to challenge it as white people.
2. In order to challenge racism and dismantle white supremacy, white people need to unlearn racism and discover the ways we enact white privilege. …
3. A commitment to anti-racist identity and practice as a white person can sometimes mean increased alienation and conflict in our lives, especially with other white friends and family who disagree with us. …
4. It’s a space for white people to figure out what it means to be anti-racist white person and challenge racism in all areas of our lives. …
5. It’s a place where white people can begin to build a new culture of white anti-racism, and learn the skills needed to transform the larger white community.
6. White affinity groups are a supplement to, not a replacement for, multi-racial dialogues and activism between white people and people of color. …
7. A white space serves as a resource to people of color who want to work with white people but don’t want to spend all their energy dealing with the racism of white people.
You see, White people are born as racists. It is their “original sin,” if you will. Thus, in order to stop being racist, they must “unlearn” racism through a series of government and media programs designed to make them hate themselves.
It is only when Whites fully understand that the failures of Detroit, Africa, Mexico, Chicago and the Middle East are their fault that non-Whites will finally begin to achieve things. You see, if it was not for in-born meanness towards Moslems for example, ISIS wouldn’t exist. These vibrant diversities are running around in ski masks cutting people’s heads off for one simple reason: White children were born hating them.
And how about the murder rate in Detroit? We’re supposed to believe that Blacks just enjoy killing each other? No, no, no, silly goyim. They do this because you didn’t put enough money into them programs. Why didn’t you put more money in them programs? Well, because you are a born hater.
Renounce your hate, White man. Surrender you base to the colorfuls who you destroyed with you feelings-hurting ways. And then, finally, you shall be free.