Daily Stormer
July 12, 2014

Poor people are lonely and alienated in America. They are being sucked dry by Jews and swamped by invasive immigrant hordes. Homosexuals are recruiting their children in the queer lifestyle and they can’t hold their marriages together.
The City of Berkeley, California, has thought of a way to perk up these sad Sallys: give them free pot.
An ordinance approved by the Berkeley City Council says that at least 2 percent of all pot carried by medical marijuana dispensaries must be provided “at no cost” to “very low-income” individuals and families.
The council defines “very low income” as individuals making $32,000 a year or less, or families of four collectively earning $46,000.
And unlike the clichéd image of “government cheese,” the ordinance further stipulates that the free marijuana “shall be the same quality on average as Medical Cannabis that is dispensed to other members.”
“It’s sort of a cruel thing that when you are really ill and you do have a serious illness… it can be hard to work, it can be hard to maintain a job and when that happens, your finances suffer and then you can’t buy the medicine you need,” said Sean Luce, who works at local collective Berkeley Patients Group, in an interview with NBC News.