California: Trump 54%, Cruz 20%, Kasich 14%

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 3, 2016

This is like a friggin massacre.

The ABC poll is the most extreme, but the rest of the polls aren’t looking much better for the Tedster.


And that primary isn’t until June 7th. It’s going to be a whole lot worse after Trump spends a month winning in other states.

California has 172 delegates and Trump is probably going to get 100 of them, which is nearly half of what he still needs to get the 1237.

And there are a bunch of other states left.


There is no way we can lose at this point.

Cruz is going to get brutalized today in Indiana. Then he’s going to keep on losing.

It sure is going to be fun beating Hillary.

This is the best year ever.