Cameron Gets Blamed for Libya Fiasco

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 14, 2016


Once again demonstrating the inability of our feminist society to blame women (or Jews) for anything, David Cameron is being blamed for supporting Hillary’s Jew-backed campaign against Libya.

Everyone knows that the UK government just does whatever America tells it to do. So what is the point of blaming David Cameron for an American operation?


A UK parliamentary report has severely criticised the intervention by Britain and France that led to the overthrow of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi in 2011.

The foreign affairs committee accused the then PM David Cameron of lacking a coherent strategy for the air campaign.

It said the intervention had not been “informed by accurate intelligence”, and that it led to the rise of so-called Islamic State in North Africa.

The UK government said it had been an international decision to intervene.


They just happened to come to the internal decision at the same time Hillary was telling them to do it.

The action had been called for by the Arab League and authorised by the UN Security Council, the Foreign Office added.

An international coalition led by Britain and France launched a campaign of air and missile strikes against Muammar Gaddafi’s forces in March 2011 after the regime threatened to attack the rebel-held city of Benghazi.

But after Gaddafi was toppled, Libya descended into violence, with rival governments and the formation of hundreds of militias, while so-called Islamic State, also known as Isil and Daesh, has gained a foothold.

The committee’s key conclusions include:

  • Through his decision making in the National Security Council, David Cameron was ultimately responsible for the failure to develop a coherent Libya strategy
  • The possibility that militant extremist groups would attempt to benefit from the rebellion should not have been the preserve of hindsight
  • It saw no evidence that the UK Government carried out a proper analysis of the nature of the rebellion in Libya. UK strategy was founded on erroneous assumptions and an incomplete understanding of the evidence
  • The limited intervention to protect civilians had drifted into an opportunist policy of regime change. That policy was not underpinned by a strategy to support and shape post-Gaddafi Libya
  • Political engagement might have delivered civilian protection, regime change and reform at lesser cost to the UK and to Libya
  • British troops should not be deployed to Libya in a training role until the Government of National Accord has established political control, stabilised internal security and made a formal request to the UK Government for such assistance, which should then be considered by the UK Parliament

Mr Cameron has defended his handling of the situation, telling MPs in January action was needed because Gaddafi “was bearing down on people in Benghazi and threatening to shoot his own people like rats”.

LOL @ “like rats.”

I guess that speaks to the British lack of understanding of guns. No one shoots rats, they’re too small and fast. You have to trap them.

Earlier this year, Barack Obama also blamed Cameron for the Libya disaster, saying he allowed it to become a “shit show.”

But leaked emails have shown that this entire operation was arranged by Hillary Clinton with the dirty kike Sidney Blumenthal and that it was mainly about stealing Libya’s oil. They trained the terrorists that attacked the Gaddaffi government, then said they were “rebels.” Blumenthal himself admitted to inventing the “Viagra rape crisis” propaganda that Hillary promoted.

Sure, David Cameron can be blamed for being a puppet of the US (and to a lesser extent France and the Jew Sarkozy, who is admitted to have plotted to takeover the country), but the report doesn’t mention that. It just pushes a disgraced politician further under a bus he’s already under for having shilled for Bremain – also for the sake of the US administration.

Who cares?

What a pointless report.

This is like that Chilcot Iraq war report hoax. Nothing is included that matters. Nothing about the Jews, nothing about the collusion with the US at all. In both cases, the responsibility of the US is simply for willingly functioning as a puppet state. Nothing more.

Cameron, at least, can claim he didn’t know the intelligence the US was feeding him was bad. I mean, he surely did know, but unlike with Tony Blair’s knowledge of the Iraq hoax, which has been documented through leaks.

The real blame is with the kikes who run Washington, DC.