Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
July 25, 2014

The UK government’s latest desperate attempt to suck up to the locusts and canker-worms eating up all our future resources, is to grade the country’s ‘happiness’ by calculating the hurt feelings of the invading hordes.
David Cameron’s attempt to measure the happiness of the nation is to be extended to measure racism.
So happiness has now been redefined as only applying to Non-Whites, since as we all know, its only White people that are capable of being racist.
The state will in future try to gauge levels of racial prejudice by trying to work out how many people have friends from other ethnic backgrounds, how much crime is influenced by racial prejudice, and how much people respect the idea of diversity.
So happiness is now to be measured by how much respect we have for being replaced, along with how much criticism we make of those who are replacing us.
The answers to questions about ethnicity will be included in new official estimates of ‘social capital’, Whitehall jargon for how well people get on with each other, how their neighbourhood gets on, and what they think of national institutions.
We all used to get on a lot better before our communities were shattered by babbling rape-monkeys breeding like rats, Dave, why don’t you ask us about that? Just compare the street parties from the last jubilee to this recent one, or take a look at the crime figures from 50 years ago. In fact we had so much social capital 70 years ago we were prepared to die for each other, even if it was for a misguided cause.
Some of the new measures will be calculated from information gathered by state surveys in response to inquiries about how many friends people have of different colours and from different cultures.
A paper from the Office for National Statistics yesterday said they should contain ‘a measure of the proportion of people who have some friends of different ethnic background than own.
Contact between people of different ethnicities can decrease prejudice and increase values of cooperation.’
From what I see of it, the contact usually results in White people being beaten up, raped or killed. Now you tell us its just a way of decreasing prejudice – by terrorizing White people into silence.
It said people with friends of different ethnicities are likely to do more for other people. ‘Those who have a more diverse social network in terms of ethnicity or age are more likely to volunteer than people who have no friends outside their own ethnic groups,’ the proposal said.
Where on earth do they get that idea from? The largest study ever done on the subject says the complete opposite, that the more diverse a community is, the less likely people are to volunteer.
The new happiness measures, to be finalised this autumn, will also look at how much people think ethnic differences are respected in their neighbourhood, and crime problems including whether people are attacked or harassed because of their ethnic origin or their religion.
Since White people have no ethnicity, the only happiness being measured here is the happiness of the savage hordes and the only “attacks” being measured will be those of the indigenous people defending themselves against the invaders. That is if they are genuine physical attacks – at the last count it was less that 10% of all so-called race hate attacks that were actually physical, the rest were just simple verbal or written criticism.

The Prime Minister launched the official attempt to measure happiness three years ago, with the aim of finding a new way of guiding Government policies.
His well-being scales, prompted by demands from Brussels for European-wide happiness figures, are designed to supplement traditional economic measures such as gross domestic product or unemployment.
I’ve got a good idea: how about you ask the British people how happy they are about being replaced, Dave? How about you ask whether any of us ever wanted anyone else to invade our country and steal our children’s future?
If you really want to see the British people happy Dave, send every single one of those alien freeloaders back to where they came from. You would be amazed at the increase in employment, gross domestic product and general happiness that you would see then.