Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 14, 2015

The slithering snake and part-Jew David Cameron has responded to the Paris attacks by saying instead of ejecting the Moslem filth he is going to sink Britain into an even deeper Orwellian surveillance-state nightmare. He has said he may want to ban services such as Whatsapp that allow for encrypted communication, saying that no one should ever have the option of privately communicating because they might use that communication to plan a shooting or whatever.
He said there should be no “safe space” for private communication.
The proposed legislation would provide a new legal framework that will authorize British intelligence agencies to crack the communications of terror suspects if there was specific intelligence of an imminent attack.
Cameron asked, “Are we going to allow a means of communications where it simply is not possible to do that?” He responded by saying: “no, we must not,” reported The Guardian.”
Several messaging services like, Snapchat, Apple’s iMessage, WhatsApp and others, encrypt messages sent through their applications. If the legislation comes into effect, all such services will be banned that do not allow any access to the communications.
So Moslems do a Charlie on you and then your government strips you of you basic human dignity to stop them from doing it to you again.
What nerve these people have. Cameron has been a key supporter of the UK being invaded by these murder-monkeys, now he says we must give up our rights in order to protect ourselves from people he took part in flooding the country with against the will of the people.
The British people already pay billions upon billions for all of the costs associated with being enriched by these savages, now they are expected to give their freedom as well.
Private communication is a basic and fundamental human right. Even people on death row for killing babies are given this right. There is no circumstance under which you should have to give it up, and saying you have to give it up so that people brought into your home against your will who you pay to food, house, clothe and educate don’t murder you is well beyond the pale.
People have to be getting about fed up.
Note: it is unlikely they will actually ban WhatsApp. It is much more likely they will simply use new legislation to secretly demand that WhatsApp give them a backdoor to access the messages after they are received, wherein the encryption would not mean anything.