Cameron’s New Law Chief Guilty of Misconduct in Race-Hate Trial

Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
July 22, 2014

New Solicitor General Robert Buckland was found guilty by the disciplinary tribunal of the barristers’ ruling body, the Council of the Inns of Court.

Cameron’s new Law Minister Robert Buckland, who was made Solicitor General last week, has been exposed as being ‘guilty of professional misconduct.’ The misconduct involved trying to cover-up for a school’s Anti-White policies, that finally led to a White pupil getting multiple skull fractures. The White lad had turned up for a one-on-one fight, only to be confronted by 13 Non-White savages with a claw-hammer.

Thanks to the school’s ‘Asian Safe Zone’ and other Anti-White initiatives, the creatures had a free-pass to attack White pupils whenever they liked, with no fear of ever being disciplined for doing so. Mr Buckland was the governor of the school at the time and he interfered with the judicial process, to try and prevent the school from being found guilty of racism against White people.

Henry Webster with his mother Liz. Mr Webster was left with brain damage after being attacked with a hammer in an ambush, by a gang of Non-White juvenile thugs.

Daily Mail:

The Solicitor General’s ‘professional misconduct’ centred on a case where ‘reverse racism’ meant teachers allegedly turned a blind eye to Asian gangs targeting white children at school.

The policy was designed to protect an influx of 20 Asian students whom teachers feared might be bullied when they arrived in 2005. In fact, as was later found by a serious case review, the reverse had taken place at the 1,450-pupil Ridgeway School in suburban Swindon.

Liz Webster, whose son Henry was almost killed in an attack in January 2007, said: ‘Everyone knew what was going on at that school, that there was a culture of racism by the Asian students.

‘There had been a number of incidents. One boy had his nose broken by the same gang that attacked Henry.

‘Police knew about all it. But teachers wouldn’t deal with this reverse racism. They had this perception that the Asian kids were being racially abused when it was the other way around.

‘They created an Asian safe zone at the school and kept claiming the Asian kids were being victimised. There was a fear at the school of being perceived as having a racial problem. They simply didn’t know what to do about it.’

Henry was 15 when, in January 2007, he was set upon by a group of Asian youths who called themselves ‘Asian Invasion’.

Henry had agreed to fight a boy ‘one on one’ to end the harassment he felt he and his friends were experiencing.

Henry – a 6ft 2ins rugby player who stood out because of his flaming red hair and strong stature – was punched, kicked and hit six times with a claw hammer in a vicious attack by the group that lasted about a minute.

He suffered three skull fractures – the hammer went into the fluid around his brain – and he had surgery to save his life.

Amjad Qazi was jailed for just one year, for his part in the vicious attack on Henry Webster that left Henry with brain injuries.

Seven young men were convicted of wounding Henry with intent to cause him grievous bodily harm. Five were convicted of conspiracy. Another admitted violent disorder.

They were given custodial sentences ranging from eight months to eight years.

Others received suspended sentences of up to 18 months. Only four were pupils at the school.

The court was told the conflicts at the school resembled something one might see in a Quentin Tarantino movie.

Henry and his family accused the school of failing to discipline Asian pupils who abused or intimidated white classmates. In 2009 his family launched a High Court challenge claiming the school had been negligent, failed to maintain proper discipline or deal with racial tension. The school denied liability.

In February 2010, Mr Justice Nicol rejected the family’s claims and said the school did not breach its duty to take reasonable care to keep Henry reasonably safe while on the premises.

Following that ruling the Swindon Local Safeguarding Children Board commissioned a serious case review. Published in 2010, it found the school had failed to tackle escalating racial tensions between Asian and white teenagers – even after a riot on the playing fields.

It found that not only should playground bullying be monitored for racism, but that schools should appoint ‘different race’ mentors for new pupils to help them settle in. And teachers should consult parents about whether their approaches to religious and cultural requirements are ‘continuously appropriate.’

Mrs Webster, 50, who runs a recruitment agency for domestic staff and nannies maintains that the school was responsible for Henry’s attack. ‘We were never able to see the full serious case review,’ she said. ‘There was something in there the authorities didn’t want me to see.

Buckland is a traitor to his race and should not be allowed anywhere near the government, let alone given a position of being responsible for Lawyers conduct.

It is no wonder the Courts are so vehemently Anti-White when the sort of people placed in charge of them are like this.

The censure of Mr Buckland by the Council of the Inns of Court.