Daily Stormer
July 26, 2014
As Poland is in the EU, it is destined to be flooded with hordes of non-Whites from anywhere, the character of this people being completely erased. And, as having one’s character erased is a generally unpleasant experience, it is necessary to put out massive propaganda against “racism,” and threaten those who would question their erasure with both social and legal pressure.
Thus, you have a weird Polish anti-racist campaign, which features a PSA telling people to call the police if they witness “racism,” which usually means someone being mean to a colored person.
The idea that hurt feelings are a reason for police action just shows how unstable this whole program is – if any question about the nature of this program is allowed to spread into the minds of the people, it will collapse. The PSA’s imagery of racism as a time-bomb is quite accurate in this sense – eventually, the whole thing is going to blow, and the people will rise against the system.
Here is the Polish website “Report Racism.”