Can Democrats Win Back the White Working Class?

Hunter Wallace
Occidental Dissent
December 16, 2016

joe biden anne frank

As Patrick Bateman would say, “you got a negative attitude.” It’s really no wonder the White working class has defected to the Republicans when your attitude is that White working class voters are “not even worth pursuing” (!!!)

“WASHINGTON — Sounding like a frustrated Cassandra, Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. lamented last week that Hillary Clinton had not done enough to reach white working-class voters in the presidential campaign. Even more egregious to Mr. Biden, some fellow Democrats had concluded that blue-collar whites were not even worth pursuing.

“I mean these are good people, man!” Mr. Biden exclaimed in an interview on CNN. “These aren’t racists. These aren’t sexists.”

With his typically unambiguous assessment, the vice president thrust himself into a heated debate that has shaped the Democrats’ self-diagnosis since Donald J. Trump won the presidency: Should the party continue tailoring its message to the fast-growing young and nonwhite constituencies that propelled President Obama, or make a more concerted effort to win over the white voters who have drifted away? …”

If I was a Democratic strategist, I would be optimistic that I could do this. I mean how hard is it to not broadcast a message that is dripping with hatred and contempt for White people? You can’t take for granted that White guy in Ohio that Van Jones interviewed. You can’t assume he is your “Blue Wall.”

“Cornell Belcher, a Democratic pollster, said it was folly to continue developing a message for and devoting considerable resources to “a shrinking, increasingly resistant market.”

It is people like Cornell Belcher in the Democratic Party who are the cause of the Alabamaization of the White electorate. If they keep it up, the Republicans are going to be as dominant as the Crimson Tide in the years to come.

Note: You’ve almost pushed Minnesota to its wit’s end! Time to double down on the model!