Canada: 20-Something Syrian Refugees Place in High Schools Flirting with and Beating Up Teenage Girls

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 29, 2016

I strongly dislike Jew-run Rebel Media.

But they are indeed the only ones covering this story.

Faith Goldy of reports: After my investigation into reports that migrant children in Nova Scotia were bullying other students, set up a tip line — — for parents whose children were also being bullied.

Using that tip line, a New Brunswick parents says there are migrant “children” at her child’s school as old as 22. These adult males “with full beards” are “hitting on the 14-15 year old girls.” filed a freedom of information request to get to the bottom of this — and over 2000 documents came in, and more are on the way. Emails between teachers reveal what’s going on in their classrooms, and what they say will shock you.