Canada: BLM Negress Who Tweeted About Killing White Men Says She’s the Real Victim

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 11, 2016


Yusra Khogali didn’t do nothing.

These Canadian bastards really need to just stop killing all of these Black bodies.

smdh 2016.


Yusra Khogali says a tweet she wrote months ago has been used to drown out and “de-legitimize” the accomplishments of the Black Lives Matter movement in Toronto.

“Somehow a tweet I wrote out of anger months before our protest began has become a bigger media story than our protest’s many and profound accomplishments,”  Khogali, co-founder of the Toronto chapter of Black Lives Matter, wrote in a Toronto Star column.

“The noise surrounding this tweet has also drowned out the discussion we sought to spark about the black lives of those who have died at the guns of police in this country.”

On Feb. 9, Yusra Khogali tweeted, “Plz Allah give me strength to not cuss/kill these men and white folks out here today. Plz plz plz.”

It made national headlines last week when Jerry Agar, a Newstalk1010 pundit and Toronto Sun columnist, found it, printed it out and posted a photo of it online after a two-week protest outside police quarters — dubbed BLMTO Tent City — came to an end amid a face-to-face meeting with Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne.

Who knew that Canada had Black Lives Matterers?

Racism is everywhere there is Black people, I guess.

Can’t believe it’s 2016.
