Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 9, 2015

I’m gonna go out on a limb here and suggest that Canada has more locations named “Nigger” than any other country in the world.
I have no idea why this is – and no one else seems to either. Maybe they just think it is hilarious.
Whatever the case, it’s way worse than Britain’s Bangays Way. Or, at least it is as bad. Or maybe it isn’t as bad, because no place in Canada is called “Banniggers,” meaning they could theoretically have named these places in honor of niggers, not because they wanted to ban them like the British want to ban gays.

In the UK, the gays lost the fight to rename the street that was trying to ban them. Methinks niggers will have more success in Canada.
A stretch of the Gatineau River that has officially been called Nigger Rapids for decades could be renamed — along with 10 other sites in Quebec whose names include the racial slur.
But the provincial body that manages Quebec’s place names says there has been little public pressure to rename the sites.
The rapids are located in the municipality of Bouchette about 120 kilometres north of Ottawa. They were named in memory of a black couple who drowned there in the early 1900s, said Jean-Pierre LeBlanc, spokesman for the Quebec Toponymy Commission.
Not a good precedent. If we named every place a Black person drowned “nigger,” every body of water on the planet would be named nigger-something.
These people are not strong swimmers.
After decades of being known by their informal name by the locals, the commission officially recognized the name in 1983.
“It was meant to describe the people who died,” LeBlanc said. “There was no pejorative connotation then as there is now.“
People forget that, don’t they?
“Nigger” historically just meant “Black person.” Now it is the worst word ever, because… well, I’ve never really heard a full explanation as to how or why that happened.
LeBlanc said that no formal request by residents has been made to change the name of the rapids but that the commission is considering whether it should rename all 11 sites that include the racial slur.
Claire Hamel, who lives near the rapids, said the official name is not a source of controversy among locals.
“Nobody talks about this,” she said. “It’s the name, that’s it. Like Bouchette, like Maniwaki, like Ottawa.”
“Some people want to keep the names. They say that it’s a witness of the past. It shows the history of black people in Quebec and how it was at that time. Others say the names are no longer fit.”
The commission has recognized six place names that include the N-word in English and five that include the word nègre, which in French can mean both Negro and the N-word.
The only policy which makes any sense at this point in history is to ban absolutely everything.
Especially since that crazy kid in Carolina strangled all those Blacks with the Confederate flag.