Canada: Filthy Teenage Sluts Claim Human Right to Flop Their Titties Around at School

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 13, 2018

The entire “slut shaming” conversation is so idiotic and dishonest, it makes me sick.

Fox News:

One Canadian teen has been suspended after protesting her high school’s alleged dress code rule banning visible bra straps, and she is taking her story public.

On May 8, tenth grader Mallory Johnston dispersed a dozen homemade posters through Ontario’s’ Essex District High School in objection to a “pattern of discipline against girls for exposed bra straps,” standing up for “at least six girls who’ve been called out recently,” CBC reports.

If a student sports a visible bra strap, they reportedly must find another shirt or go home.

Johnston’s signs displayed messages such as “Dress code perpetuates rape culture,” “My clothes are not my consent,” and “I go to school where the length of my shorts are [sic] more important than my education,” according to photos of the signs shared on Twitter by her friend Gracelynn Wood.

Despite her noble intentions, the 15-year-old told CBC that school officials soon removed her posters saying they “weren’t appropriate,” which made her feel “more angry than upset.”

“I was simply standing up for something that I believe in, which we are taught to do in school, but then I got disciplined for it and I didn’t know why,” she said.

I think she is confusing the “slut shaming” meme with the “rape culture” meme. But they’re sort of tied together in this ostensibly confusing mess of demands by women to be able to use sexual advantage over men in an abusive, manipulative way.

To explain:

“Slut shaming” is the idea that women should be able to wear whatever they want, anywhere, and that telling them they have to cover certain parts of their bodies is a type of violence against them.

“Rape culture” is the idea that if men respond to the sexual availability signals that women give off by dressing scantily – not with actual rape, but with sexual advances, staring, or lewd comments, that is a form of violence.

So what this whore is demanding is that she not be slut shamed so that she can then use her body to manipulate and agitate men, and if they respond – particularly if men whom she does not find attractive respond – she can then go on about “rape culture.” So she kinda skipped a step there.

This shit is all pretty straightforward and self-explanatory.

Everyone knows what is going on here, yet they pretend they do not.

The fact of the matter is, women’s bodies are their power. Their bodies, and the psychological effect that their bodies have on men, are a power capable of being weaponized. And when they flaunt their bodies in public – particularly in spaces not explicitly intended to be sexualized spaces – they are using that power to manipulate men’s minds and emotions.

As soon as a girl hits puberty and gets that estrogen injection that sends off “ready to breed” signals, she immediately and instinctively notices that men are responding to her differently, that they are trying to please her. She then quickly finds out that the more of her body she shows, the more this effect is heightened.

This is because the base male psyche, when it sees a fertile woman, is “I need to stick my penis in this vagina and deposit my seed.” That is the basic order of nature. No way around it.

Because we live in a society, we have created ways to mitigate base urges, so that we can do other things.

One of the most basic methods of mitigating base urges is requiring women to wear clothing that is not especially revealing, so as not to agitate the men around them.

Because what this is is a form of sexual abuse of men. They are manipulating their base drives by using a physical advantage over them. It is absolutely no different than if men went around using their own physical advantage – which is physical strength – over women. If say, whenever a woman didn’t do what a man wanted, he choked her.

So this “slut shaming” movement is just a way for women to demand to be able to use their physical power over men, without any consequences.

It would be no different if men were demanding the right to choke women, and did “choke shaming” marches whenever they were questioned.

Modern liberal Judeo-feminist society is about demonizing and outlawing male power while demonizing and outlawing questioning of female power.