Canada: Kebab Mayor Calls Ghost-Costume Ban During Citizenship Ceremony “Disgusting”

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 2, 2015

Naheed Nenshi: This guy is the mayor of a Canadian city? More like "Cucknadia" amirite?
Naheed Nenshi: This guy is the mayor of a Canadian city? More like “Cucknadia” amirite?

If you do not remove kebab, kebab remove you.

National Post:

Calgary Mayor Naheed Nenshi lambasted the Conservative government for taking issue with women wearing the niqab during citizenship ceremonies, arguing it’s “playing with fire” and wasting taxpayers’ money.

“Playing with fire?”

Is that a bomb threat, Haji?

Because it kinda sounds exactly like a bomb threat.

Speaking to Evan Solomon in an interview on SiriusXM’s “Everything is Political,” Nenshi aired his frustrations over the ongoing court battle, launched by Stephen Harper’s government to prevent women from wearing face coverings, such as the niqab, during citizenship ceremonies.

Evan Solomon was, of course, very sympathetic to Kebab Mayor and the racist plot against his people.

Evan Solomon
Evan Solomon

Just to be clear, this is a “niqab”:

ROFLMAO these monkeys
ROFLMAO these monkeys

And Kebab Mayor is arguing that when these women are being given Canadian citizenship – which happens constantly – they should be able to wear this during the ceremony.

The Canadian government has previously sided with the kebabs on this issue, but recently people have been like “wait, are you serious?”

In September, the Federal Court of Appeal sided with a previous ruling from a lower court that struck down a government policy banning face coverings during citizenship ceremonies. It has since cropped up as a political wedge during the election campaign with the Conservatives promising to take the matter to the Supreme Court and, if elected, introducing legislation to turn the policy into law.

Solomon introduced the topic roughly 14 and half minutes into an interview and Nenshi responded with the belief that banning face coverings during the ceremony was not widely supported in his home province.

This is unbelievably dangerous stuff. I spoke with a group of mayors and councillors from all over Alberta last week… I stood up and said this is disgusting and it is time for us to say stop it — it’s time for us to say this is enough,” Nenshi said.

“Unbelievably dangerous stuff”?

How can that be interpreted as anything other than a threat of terrorism, made my a Moslem mayor on a Jewish talk show?