Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 10, 2015

It would make a lot of sense if people just began issuing apologies immediately after making any type of statement which may offend someone. It would save individuals, newspapers and the public a lot of time if whenever you made some benign comment involving race, you followed it up with “and I apologize in advance for any offense these statements may cause.”
John Williamson, a conservative MP in New Brunswick, Canada recently caused outrage when he told delegates at a conference in Ottawa that it doesn’t make any sense to pay White people to stay home while corporations bring in brown people to work.
Though this seems like a simple statement of fact based on a rather simple math equation, Willamson has apologized for using “offensive and inappropriate language.”
Williamson posted a series of tweets Saturday to apologize for language he used in reference to the controversial federal program, but he did not elaborate on what he said.
“Today I used offensive and inappropriate language regarding the Temporary Foreign Workers Program,” he wrote on Twitter.
“For this I apologize unreservedly.”
Williamson, a former communications director for Prime Minister Stephen Harper, also wrote he believes different parts of the country have different labour needs.
He said employers in his riding should try to fill job openings by giving Canadian workers priority.
iPolitics reports that Williamson made the remarks in response to a question at a conservative networking conference about the shortage of workers in meat packing and processing plants.
The report says Williamson responded by saying he realized labour shortages have been a bigger problem in Western Canada than his own region.
“My part of the country, I deal with temporary foreign workers and the interaction with employment insurance, and it makes no sense from my point of view — I’m going to put this in terms of colours but it’s not meant to be about race — it makes no sense to pay ‘whities’ to stay home while we bring in brown people to work in these jobs,” he reportedly said during the Manning Networking Conference.
“When I have 10 to 12 per cent unemployment rates in my province, I’m not going to abide by a policy that encourages people to stay home and collect an EI cheque and bring people from overseas to fill these jobs.
“I know it is different in Western Canada, but I’ve also seen cases in Western Canada where companies were putting in Mandarin as a requirement for a job requirement, thereby bringing in Chinese workers.
Some stupid goyim would argue that there is nothing wrong with what he said, because it is only pointing out obvious realities. However, these filthy pigs don’t understand the grave nature of potential offense.

As the old saying goes: “sticks and stone can break my bones, but offensive words can cause me to have a life-destroying psychological breakdown due to the hurting of the feelings.”