Canada: Rapefugees Harrassing Young Girls Non-Stop

Daily Stormer
July 1, 2016

The Syrian refugees are actually good for us, you know; they’ll pay for our pensions with their tax dollars. The only problem is that they’re illiterate sand people with 85 IQs.

But don’t worry, we’ve thought this through.

We’ll just get these men to attend high school with your kids. Then they’ll be prepared to contribute to society.

It’d be a perfect plan, if it wasn’t for all the ficki ficki…

Daily Caller:

Emails between school officials at one Canadian high school reveal the school has been struggling to integrate into the school adult Syrian refugees, who reportedly are bullying and threatening students and teachers, as well as making advances on young teenage girls.

After receiving a tip about Fredericton High School in New Brunswick, Canada — a region that has been aggressively resettling thousands of Syrian refugees — Canadian news organization TheRebel submitted a freedom of information request to the school, asking for any information regarding problems the school might be having with the integration of Syrian immigrants.

One email, Goldy reported on Monday, said that 19 and 20-year-old Syrian migrants were aggressively confronting teachers, “particularly when it comes to the girls in the class, and also bullying the others in the class.”


If these sluts want to avoid getting harassed by Syrians, they just need to cover up.

Nobody could have predicted that these third world primitives would cause problems if integrated into regular classrooms with our kids. In fact, this is a good learning experience for these girls, who need to learn to be more culturally sensitive.

Another email stated that one refugee identified rocket-propelled grenades (RPG’s) as one of his hobbies. A survey of the refugees revealed that just under 20 percent approved of marital rape and forced abortions.

The tip that led originally TheRebel to investigate contained a Facebook post from a Fredericton parent saying that refugees as old as 22 “with full beards and better built than the hockey team” are enrolled in the school, where they try “hitting on the 14-15 year old girls of that year, but are being brushed off.”

Erm, goyim, don’t you know RPGs are a common hobby in Syria? Don’t be a bigot!

In all seriousness, this is a rare glimpse at the dark reality that is certainly being covered up everywhere these “refugees” are being resettled. As could easily have been predicted, they just act like filthy animals and do nothing but spit on the naive hospitality of the cucks who greet them.

As painful as it is, this horror will have positive consequences in the long term. Instead of the previous strategy of slow and steady “diversifying” of white areas, now people are suddenly being forcefully integrated with hostile savages.

These experiences will bring a cold shower of reality on the heads of many who previously remained “comfortably liberal,” isolated from the non-white plague that afflicts the less fortunate in our nation.

God knows Canadians need to have their hearts hardened by these bitter experiences, if they are to struggle by our side.

Or at least, if they’re to vote for Canadian Trump, when he comes.


We’re gonna build a wall, guy, and it’ll be beautiful, buddy.