Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 16, 2015

Great news! More sex education for the kiddies! They now get to learn about such things as gay anal and sharing cellphone videos of them engaging in sex acts!
Liberation is on the way, goyim! Soon, there will be nothing left!
Ontario kids as young as six will learn about consent while eight-year-olds will be taught about same-sex relationships under a revamped sex-education curriculum the province released Monday.
The document – last updated in 1998 before smartphone were invented – brings Ontario in line with other provinces, Education Minister Liz Sandals said in a new conference. Some of the changes, she suggested, may even place Ontario ahead of the pack.
“I think that on having a very explicit conversation about consent – what does consent mean and what do healthy relationships look like – I think in that piece we may become the leader,” she said.
Grade 1 students will learn how to understand non-verbal signals like facial expressions and tone of voice, as well as the proper names for body parts, which was already in the old curriculum.
Sandals said she knows some parents think that’s too early for such discussions, but she doesn’t think very many will pull their kids out of class.
“Given that we haven’t had hoards of people withdrawing from the public education system given what’s already in the curriculum, to be perfectly honest, I don’t anticipate that affect now,” she said.
Other changes include students in Grade 2 will learn about the stages of development and related bodily changes along with the concept that “no means no.”
By Grade 3, students will learn about same-sex relationships, which Kathleen Wynne, the first openly gay premier, said would help kids with two moms or two dads feel their families are just like everyone else’s.
“It’s not about explicit information except that it needs to be about kids feeling safe, feeling protected, feeling like they belong,” Wynne said.
Children in Grades 4 and up will learn more about the dangers of online bullying and of posting or sharing sexual images, while specific lessons on the dangers of sexting will come in Grade 7.
One change in the new curriculum will be lessons about puberty will move from Grade 5 to Grade 4.“We dropped it a grade because what we’ve seen from public health data is that the age of puberty has been constantly dropping,” said Sandals.
Students in Grade 6 will be taught about masturbation and “gender expression,” while kids in Grades 7 and 8 will discuss contraception, anal and oral sex, preventing pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections.
This program was stopped back in 2010 when people flipped out, but five years later they bring back the exact same thing and due to the amount we have been morally debased in the last 5 years, it passes this time.
That is how these things always work – if it fails, come back with it again. If it fails again, come back with it a third time.
Hey, what do you guys think about all this:
Is there anyone here who did not find sex ed to be uncomfortable and weird? Please describe your personal experiences with this.
Is it really impossible for parents to give “the talk”?
Do you even really need to hear “the talk,” or do kids kinda hear about it from older kids?
Is it possible that any male, after reaching puberty, doesn’t know where it’s supposed to go? Aren’t all animals biologically programmed with information necessary for reproduction?